Sue, please don't be dishearten with your sts, I'm sure you will get the results you deserve soon, stick with it hon.keeping a record of what I'm eating has definitely helped me- I have a little note book and write everything down in there, definitely worth a try, hope it works for you.
hope you are ok Ang,just abit worried because we haven't heard from you today and you said your father in law wasn't too good, really hope everything is ok, thinking of you xxx
glad to hear you sounding so happy Nikki and well done for passing that assignment, good on you x
hope it goes well at work tomorrow Becca, and it's not too tiring. What sort if dance classes do you do? I used to go to dance classes with my mum a few years ago, we did Latin and ballroom and we even took an exam and won and bronze and silver medal, it was such good the social dance part of where you have the lessons or something different?
So far today I have resisted the gravy that I made to go with the roast dinner I cooked, the crumble I made for pudding, the cakes I was offered at the in laws and a bite of the burger and chips my husband had for dinner when me and the girls had egg and soilders, it's been tough today but I'm determined not to give in especially as its the day before weigh in! Just got to stay focused this evening and keep out of the kitchen!