Hi everyone, Becca hold your ground. I know I would. To the left, to the left, in the immortal words of Beyonce... goes for MILs as well as uys. She doesn't deserve you worrying over it all. She can come to you when she wants to apologise.
I am being very good, as always but feeling really bloated and generally yuk. We shall see what the scales say tomorrow I guess.
Snow is on its way to us tonight and its supposed to be really horrendous evidently but who knows.
Ang I hope things are ok with you and Bills dad. A bit of snow won't do you any harm Ang, lunches out will be off the agenda

Nikki hope the sledging has been good, I'm hoping to spend tomorrow doing the same !!
Lind, Hope you are feeling a little more positive on things today. Speak to you all tomorrow I guess , when I'm snowed in lol