Hi ladies,
Hope you're all having a nice weekend. Well done for leaving some pie Kim, like Ange I would have eaten that first

Ange, I hate it when that happens!!! Your day sounds nice. What sort of sewing do you do. I do tapestry and cross stitch, oh and crochet when I in the right mood. My mum tried to teach me to knit a while ago and it was a disaster. I started a scarf about 6 inches wide, 4 hours later it was about 6 inches in length and had doubled in width

. I decided knitting was definitely not for me

. You're very organised wrapping your presses. I plan to do mine on the 1 st after I've put the tree up while hubby is out of the way at work.
Today has been good, hubby was off so we popped to town while mother in law tidied up the garden for us. My dilemma now is tea!!! I've only had 7 points today so far so have 13 left, hubby is cooking a large pizza but its one that doesn't have any nutritional info so I'm going to have maybe a quarter and hope I'm ok. It's a thin base so fingers crossed. I must admit I don't feel I've been particularly good this week, so feel quite bad about it. I've slipped up on writing everything down and tracking it. Have decided though tomorrow is a brand new day so I'll kick myself up the back side and try to be 100% good and pray for a loss on Tuesday.
Sue, how has your day been?
With regards to the cake Ange hubby will gladly finish it, although he needs to loose weight but I've given up trying to get him to stick to anything. Am hoping if he sees me loosing he may be encouraged - wont hold my breath though.
I have nothing planned for tomorrow except maybe a book and a DVD. With my parents away weekend rituals have kinda gone by the way side as usually we'd do something wit them.
Hope you ladies have a good evening ( am thinking we am have lost debs). Xxx
Ps tried Christmas dress on today, a little snug but hopefully it will fit by the big day, am going to hang it on the outside of my wardrobe as a reminder