Hi ladies
How are we all today?
Nikki, welcome

. Wow loosing 3 stone is absolutely amazing, go you

. An inspiration to us all Hun.
Ange, well done on your loss lovely

. 1lb closer to goal. How was your shopping trip today. My parents have been to Cheshire oaks a few times and said it was good. I'm yet to go but wil, do one day. I think they went there when they went on a warners weekend but can't remember whereabouts they stayed.
Sue, Kim how are you both today? Hope you're being good girls
Ooo, I didn't realise they still did Fabs I used to love them when I was a child.
Am, I'm still full up with cold and cursing my husband! Have had quite a good day. Went got the hairdressers this morning now sat watching deal or no deal which I've been addicted too since I've been off. Some people are just so greedy though, they get amazing offers yet push too far then go home with nothing.
Well, finally heard from my work and I'm o SSP as of Monday with no top up. Does anyone know how much that is incidentally? I'm not surprised as they have given me full pay until now, but rather than call me wit the news they emailed me, that annoyed me a bit. Hey ho, I now have to decide what to do, whether I take the 2 weeks sick or whether I go back. Have spoken t my folks who are in the USA and they have said not to go back and that the bank of mummy and daddy will help out, I can't help but feel guilt though!!! And, I don't want to p##s anyone off at work!!
Anyway ladies, back to Noel Edmunds for me. Enjoy your evenings and keep strong
