Hello my lovelies
How are you all doing?
Nikki, amazing weight loss Hun. You're the first to get to goal
Ange, how was Christmas?
Sian, sue how are you both getting on?
I'm doing ok, a manic week or so to say the least and 2 more yet to come. I've had late nights at work, dance lessons, covering someone else's work because her brother has just been sectioned so she's in one hell of a state, my nan had had another Tia, loads of paperwork been coming our way for adoption course which is this week, a course we're going to thought the church, meals out etc etc etc. I've never had such a busy social life. I haven't forgotten you lovelies though, just been busy busy busy and not had time to post.
Diet wise, I think I'm going to admit to being a complete failure!!!! I was doing really well with JUDDING but then because of meals out, busy work schedule including lunches buffets I've gone all to pot so yet again I'm at square one and hate myself for it. Anyway, that's my whine over, hopefully you're all setting a good example for me follow

Just off to yet another meeting lovelies.
Stay strong and be good.
Speak soon xxxxx