I'm not sure! But if you send me your name ill add you
Just been to ww & lost a pound....
Taking daisy to a party nowxxx
Can we actually put on here in our Facebook details xx
Sian cooper north petherton
Feeling sorry for myself today got stuffy nose headache and earache... Still not back on track but feeling poo will stop me eating loads of junk lol. Got family down this weekend.
Happy weekend everyone xx
Hi ladies
How are all you lovelies?
Ange, loved your piccies on fbook. You looked lovely
Nikki ........ Amazing. And I love your hair
Sue how are you feeling?
Sian, Linda helloooooooooooo. Sending you both love.
Well,my busy life continues. Have been on adoption course the last few days, working late Tuesday night, out last night. I'm shattered. Tomorrow I'm painting mums lounge then out with friends!!!! I need a rest. Diet wise ......... I hang my head in utter shame. I just can't seem to get to a place where I feel anything works so I end up giving up! Although, I have been to see a cambridge consultant so will be starting that the end of next week so will let you know how it goes.
Speak to you all soon.
Lots of love xxxxx
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=80506"/>
Got this photo sent to me by my daughter ;-)
Thought it was quite apt for our thread as we're all struggling !
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=80506"/>
Got this photo sent to me by my daughter ;-)
Thought it was quite apt for our thread as we're all struggling !
Well what a night !
Bills dad started vomiting at tea time, GP came and ordered an ambulance. That was 5.15pm. It came at 9.10pm !!!
I came home as we had both cars there and Bill and his niece went to hospital with him. He was taken straight to a ward to be told he had to be admitted via A&E and was taken there. Bill stayed with him til 2.15am and he still hadn't seen a doctor. His niece needed to get home , she doesnt drive, as she was in work at 7am so the nurse told them to go home
I waited up for Bill to get home as he'd not eaten since lunch time. I sat and ate the contents of the fridge and the treats cupboard....including a Christmas pudding I found at the back of the cupboard and a tin of custard....well it was low fat ;-)
We've just rung the hospital to be told that they are sending him home !!!!!! Can't believe them. He's yellow, vomiting, lost 3 stone since Xmas and not eating !!!
We had arranged to go and look around some nursing homes today as it was agreed on Monday that he could go in one for a weeks respite so hope we can still get to do that
Hope you're all ok . I've joined to "DIET RIP " club so we are all in the same boat ;-
Luv Ang xx
That's unreal.. I know when marks nan was in hospital the nurses said they were on a strict turnaround.. That's why after her being in hospital for 6wks she was sent packing.. She was put back in hospital 12 hrs later as she couldn't look after herself. She has now been placed in a care home, she is not happy but is being looked after.
Is there no chance of his dad being placed in care..