Starting again for the last time hopefully!!

Thanks everyone for the encouragement, it’s been a good week overall. First three days were REALLY tough but I managed to stay true to the diet somehow. After day 4 it became easier as I wasn’t hungry or didn’t have anymore headaches.

Today is my 8th day on the diet that means it’s my first WI, will report my loss(if any) later in the day.

Just one odd question though... despite brushing umpteenth times a day I have a horrible breath and taste in my mouth... any suggestions???

Hope you all are having a wonderful day/week xxx
Well done for sticking with it.......honestly, it does get much easier as you go along ☺️

Eager to hear what your loss has been!
Hello all,

Really sorry for a late reporting, so it was my first weigh in on Wednesday and I have lost 4lbs despite doing 100% TS with lots of water. I can’t seem to understand the reason behind it. Can just think of one thing that I already had a habit of drinking a lot of water before I started this time. Could that be a reason of losing only 4lbs on the first week??

I hope everyone else is having a good day/week.. xx
That's nearly 2Kg of fat, potentially...

I can understand the frustration with people posting really high losses, but 4lb is a lot more than most diets would deliver in a week, and it's a great start.

I just did some googling, and 4lb is also...
-more than the entire weight of a human brain
- the equivalent of three basketballs or four footballs
- the same as eleven billiard balls.

Imagine carrying around eleven billiard balls all the time!

Great stuff!
Thanks lovelies..

This really made me feel so much better. I’m still going strong with 100% TS nothing else has passed my lips except exante packs, lots of water and a low salt veg bullion on some of the toughest days..!

I hope to lose at least 3 lbs this weeks.. fingers crossed xx
Well done Fatimah, stick at it xx
Hello all,

So I’ve lost 3.5 lbs in the second week of 100%TS. My WIs are On Wednesdays but I couldn’t spare the time to update my diary for it as It’s been pretty hactic and stressful week lots of new developments at work and then the toddler caught on some severe sort of alergy which gave her high temperatures as much as 40• been in an out of A&E really. It was a really really tough week to stay true to the diet but then the post came from FULLFATHOM on her diary and I realised it’s all in my mind and I’m glad I didn’t waver and did 100% TS as looking back on those days now I feel proud of myself. I’ve seen diary’s of some of you during this week while cradling my little one on my lap, so couldn’t make a comment but just would like to say that you guys are doing really good right now. Let’s get this done and never be back here again...

Hope you guys have a great long weeeknd... xx
Hope your little one is feeling better. Well done u. I sts this week and need to pull myself together as my holiday is only 5 weeks away and my shorts are still on the tight side..
Thanks Les. My LO is in much better place at the moment, trust me it was scary and heartbreaking. Don’t beat yourself up for the STS Les as long as you’ve got straight into diet for your holidays. Im also off to our first family holiday on 12th June which gives me just over 4 weeks to lose as much as possible.

As fo diet I’m still doing 100% TS and today was my 3rd WI and have lost 2.5lbs this week totalling 10lbs in 3 weeks. I know it’s a small number in compare to others on this diet but since I have hardly had any water weight to lose at the start of the diet I think most of those 10lbs could potentially be fat loss.

So here starts the forth/food week plus TOTM is due to be in a day or two. So there are very slim chances of any loss this week.. let’s see.

Good luck everyone for your journey to a better health..!!
Hi Fatimah.
It's been a total disaster for me this week.
I've had back ache for the last three weeks. On a visit to my doctor he decided it wasn't muscular but deeper inside so I've had blood tests for everything u can think of.
You are doing fantastic and I admire u. I wish I had your motivation to keep me going.
I went shopping for trousers and shorts today as I really don't think I can see myself getting anywhere in the next four weeks. I felt and looked awful in everything I put on and it all went back on the shelf.
I've started a 30 day challenge on my phone I just need to get back into my exante. Any advice please.
Congratulations on your fantastic loss x. Les
Well done Fatimah, 10lbs in 3 weeks is amazing! xx

Les stick at it hun. I ain't got any good advice aside from the fact that only you can make it happen. So get on it and make it happen :1461::D xx
Thanks so much. I know I need to get my head around it. 4 weeks to my holiday I must get up in the morning and get switched on back to 4 pkts a day. I can't do 3 as it's way too hard.
You could be in the 11s in four weeks Les. Stick to plan and have a stroll each day. It’s not that hard and you’d be soooooo pleased for the holiday?