Haha I'm really pleased with the small gain CG. This pic was in April when we went to the Maldives, the most amazing place on earth! I won't put up an Ibiza beach pic tho, it definitely wouldn't compare hahaha
First day back on the 1000 plan and I've really struggled so far. I'm feeling really hungry. Think it's where I can't just pick up food whenever I want. Had my two cd products, maybe I shouldn't have started with a cd bar? Going to start hitting the gym now too, need to get toned. Had a few glasses of water and coffee. It's lovely having fruit and yogurt. Looking forward to dinner
That, and plus it's always hard to get back into ordinary life after you've been on holiday so having to do CD must be really hard the first few days. I'm sure you'll manage, after a day or 2 I'm sure you'll get the hang of it again
Ok so day 2 after holiday! Well, last night it got to about 10pm and I was absolutely starving so I had 2 crackerbread with jam. I was just over 1000 Cals over the course of the day. Currently I've decided to do my pen twist in the 1000 plan. I'm having cd breakfast, cd lunch, fruit/yougurt for snacks and a low carb dinner. Last night I had a tomato and mozzarella salad for dinner, was lovely. Tonight I'm having chicken, peppers, corn and a tiny amount of brown rice. Hopefully I won't feel as hungry as yesterday
Ok all, I've made a decision, I'm going to do this as my last cd week and I'm moving to weight watchers on Monday. CD has been fantastic and I'll most certainly consider doing it again after having children if I needed to. I just really feel like this is the end and I'm ready to lost the last stone on weight watchers. Good luck everyone.