Fell off the diet wagon last night 
Best friend turned up in tears, her mums got aggressive terminal cancer and made the decision to stop all treatment, we both spiralled into 2 bottles of prosecco and cried for hours, ordered food when she left (guess I’m a comfort eater and a drunk eater) which surprisingly I couldn’t eat much of, I had a few mouthfuls and I felt so full and sick that I binned in (just in case I went back for more later) really disappointed in myself but gonna have to dust myself off and get back on track today

Best friend turned up in tears, her mums got aggressive terminal cancer and made the decision to stop all treatment, we both spiralled into 2 bottles of prosecco and cried for hours, ordered food when she left (guess I’m a comfort eater and a drunk eater) which surprisingly I couldn’t eat much of, I had a few mouthfuls and I felt so full and sick that I binned in (just in case I went back for more later) really disappointed in myself but gonna have to dust myself off and get back on track today