Starting my slim and save journey 1st jan 2014 if the pack arrives by then...

Move on and don't have any more. All the effort you have put in since day 1 will be gone BAM! like that if you let a small piece of chicken be the excuse to have more. I know it sounds harsh but soooo want you to succeed. The more we "will" you to stick to it hopefully you will. Once you start having a tiny bit of this and that at this stage it can be a spiral hon but in the wrong direction. Brush your teeth if you are still wavering later on or have fizzy water even a zero coke if the fizzy water doesn't give you a full feeling. At worst have an extra pack but ideally just continuing and sticking to plan for now is the best thing. Sometimes people don't reach full ketosis until day 6 and that's when you stop feeling hungry and a lot better. Look at the signatures of those who have stuck to plan (e.g. jewel and others) they have stuck to it for several weeks and lost and even lost a gain from a break over Christmas. How amazing is that! It is what has kept me going today thinking about that.

Noo dnt i wnted u guys to b harsh wit me lol bt yh js was tht one tiny one dint av ne more cz felt bad maself :( nt again while on plan rite bk to 1000% with my new best friend fry light bbq flavour added it to the half cottage n half spicy spag tdai wit broccoli, brussel sprouts n mushrooms and n oxo cube n it was lushh bery full n satisfied and my other two meals were hazelnut puddy in mrning n choc puddin as dessert tnite n in the middle for lunch had the cottage pie n spicy spag half n half again so was tad bit repetitive tdai bt was filling n satisfyin all the same..n three litres of water too will try n put in a bit mre before going sleep...hpe uv had a better day then me hun...:( disappointed in mesen to say the least was doin reli well n also resisted garlic bread n pizza n chips which ma yunga sisters have had yday n tdai :/ nt impressed bt proud of maseld too sisters have sumhw decidded tht they like oven food all of a sudden....i swear its js to rub it in me face or sumat hmmmm.....thnx for the talkin to needed it lol and also thnku for wnting me to succeed so do i...iv bort quorn sausages n linda mccartney sausages, greek 0% yogurt, babybel light, n swede too so mite try n do lifestyle tmo or the day after on weigh day as a treat :) i dnt mind the packs they r nyc n filling bt think if do one or days lifestyle mite giv me a slight change too so wil help me stay on path...herez hopin flushed the popcorn out lol the one small one tnite or tmo hehe thnx for ur support hun xxx
Aww I got a mention yay! Kira is right, having one small piece of chicken won't kill you. If you use it as an excuse to have more then it can spiral into a full on binge which I guarantee will not make you feel good. Just draw a line under it and continue on plan xx

No defo dint use it as n xcuse to spiral as resisted garlic bread pizza n chips which sisters have had two days in a row ?? i swear they doin it to peev me off lol or to rub it in me face coz they kno i cnt eat it they even offered it to me the nerve of them ???...i told mum tht think my skin lux bit better with all the water ivbeen drinkin n she goes i wil alwys av marks n spots on me face the cheek of her my face is genuinely improving grrrr....hundred percent frm tmo again n got new friends such as the bbq fry light n one or few ingredients frm tesco to try n help me have one or two lifestyle days to help me keep on track as dnt av nuf for another box for four pack days til result tho prefer them as so much easier lol zxx
What they said. Trying to find a way of putting it that wasn't too preachy. Kira got it just right. One little something can become to if you let it and then you'll keep having what you can get away with. Will definitely get easier. For me 4-5 days to stop feeling hungry but a couple of weeks for my mind games to calm down. Every time you stick with it and resist you'll be a bit stronger and that's when it gets better. Forget about the tiny piece of chicken and get back to it.

Kira was gd hehe n so r u guys ? thnku for tht resisted other worse stuff even wen it was being waved round in front ofme face by my sisters so yaay mee n went to tesco wit dad n onli got what i needed nothing xtra nothin fatty hehe so woop woop ima pray for thurs weigh in to b a gd one :) thxn
Argh graduation is 23rd of this month gosh its come round quick ne thrts of whether i may stand a chance of noticing tiny if ne physical change by then? Gta order me robes too bugger ahh the joys of graduation 'sigh' lol....thrts ne one? I reli wish found this diet sooner lol like wen was in india lol tho no one had microwave so tht mitev beenn a slight prob loolz....xx
Yay! Well done! You're doing great! Even if you switch between the 3 SnS options you will still have a calorie deficit overall. You may not be in ketosis as you would,be on the 3 packs and protein meal or 4 packs but at least you are controlling calories.

you need to start thinking ahead at some point too, what will you eat once you lost some weight and what lifestyle changes will you make so you don't regain more than say a buffer of 7lbs. That is was I've struggled with over last 6 months. I plan to make sure I reach goal this time around and maintain with a buffer of a few pounds. I spent the last 5 years yo yo ing and only last year did I manage some control. So don't take a leaf of out my book because I did it all wrong! But I'm learning and getting better.

very pleased you didn't give on to garlic,bread etc! See how strong you are?!!
Yay! Well done! You're doing great! Even if you switch between the 3 SnS options you will still have a calorie deficit overall. You may not be in ketosis as you would,be on the 3 packs and protein meal or 4 packs but at least you are controlling calories. you need to start thinking ahead at some point too, what will you eat once you lost some weight and what lifestyle changes will you make so you don't regain more than say a buffer of 7lbs. That is was I've struggled with over last 6 months. I plan to make sure I reach goal this time around and maintain with a buffer of a few pounds. I spent the last 5 years yo yo ing and only last year did I manage some control. So don't take a leaf of out my book because I did it all wrong! But I'm learning and getting better. very pleased you didn't give on to garlic,bread etc! See how strong you are?!!

I dint think i wud b able to resist bt i did woohooo...yh abt the bufferin i reli wna b eigt stone so gives me abt a stone or eight n bit so gives me a gd six or seven pounds to buffer n stil b in the early nines on the scales...aparantly ppl lose stil on lifestyle days lol so see wt wil apen wont av it too often wil stick to simple as much as can :) tmo gna buy soome flavoured coffe frm sainsburys dowe egberts thinkt hey called hpin tht shud help with this orrid weather and my fluid intake hehe....i nva wna b as big as this eva agin or this weight lol nerve wrecking n ma bust reli wnt it to go bk to a dd i was fine wit them tht size nw cz of them av to sumtimes buy bigger tops then wt i am :/...xx
Hiya subscribing x
I love douwe egberts coffee, my fav is hazelnut followed by the vanilla and its really warms me up is this cold weather. Well done with only stopping at that one popped chicken, thats real will power xxx
Hiya subscribing x I love douwe egberts coffee, my fav is hazelnut followed by the vanilla and its really warms me up is this cold weather. Well done with only stopping at that one popped chicken, thats real will power xxx
Hey oh so can we put in two teaspooms of a flavour each then? N wat colour topm milk? And ummm hw much milk like teaspppon wise? And can we wlso add tht coffee to our shake pudidings too? Thnku hun first time tgna try ut lol and thnku abt the will power suprisingly wasnt tht hard lol bt was still upset with myself the bbq frylight my new best friend lol xx
You can put in as much as you want but I have read that sometimes caffeine can affect ketosis or was it going into ketosis but coffee doesnt affect me so keep an eye on that but they are really yummy. I also put coffee into some of my shakes makes some of them a lot more palatable. We are allowed 150ml of skimmed milk (the red top) so not sure how many teaspoons that is but its a lot x
You can put in as much as you want but I have read that sometimes caffeine can affect ketosis or was it going into ketosis but coffee doesnt affect me so keep an eye on that but they are really yummy. I also put coffee into some of my shakes makes some of them a lot more palatable. We are allowed 150ml of skimmed milk (the red top) so not sure how many teaspoons that is but its a lot x

Oh thts k then ima js try nt to put in lots then js incase i do go over it lol...or mite js add the flavour to the shake pudds instead lol...js need abt a glass or two of coffee to improve me fluid intake lol z
I usually drink water like its medicine so I drink a certain amount at different times of the day so I can get all my water in x
I end up startin drinkin water late like tdai strted off well in mrning n then was out all day tdai dint realsie wud b out tht long ??xx
I can't drink a lot either on days when I'm out but try and cram in as much as I can when I'm home x
Hey hun good luck with ur journey, u havent got much to lose so youll be at goal in no time.

Ps me and u are the same age lol. I was born in may 89, u seem so much more mature than me lol xx

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Hey hun good luck with ur journey, u havent got much to lose so youll be at goal in no time. Ps me and u are the same age lol. I was born in may 89, u seem so much more mature than me lol xx Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Me? Mature? Haha naah nt relii ima kid at heart im onli mature wen need to be waay reli? same age? :)...aww thnku i reli hope i get there soon and also shrink along the way...have put before pix n current on p5 cnt seem to edit ttile on me fone grr of the thread lol or was gna mention 5 in the title hehe wna go bk to tht if not mre :( lol n reli reli wna see the eights on the scale js for personal satisfaction as well as to gimi a decent bufffer lol...wher u frm? X
Me? Mature? Haha naah nt relii ima kid at heart im onli mature wen need to be waay reli? same age? :)...aww thnku i reli hope i get there soon and also shrink along the way...have put before pix n current on p5 cnt seem to edit ttile on me fone grr of the thread lol or was gna mention 5 in the title hehe wna go bk to tht if not mre :( lol n reli reli wna see the eights on the scale js for personal satisfaction as well as to gimi a decent bufffer lol...wher u frm? X

Haha i still feel 16 long may it last. Yes same age lol. Il have a look at pics when i find it lol. Youll see the 8s dont worry hun.
Im from london or did u mean background? Lol im from jamaican background originally. What about u? Xxx

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Oh mah ment where u frm as in city woow london thts kool i wna b there fpefully by nxt yr lol. Im
Frm sheffield n indian bkground hun :)...fingers crossed hw lohg were on s and s hun? X
Oh mah ment where u frm as in city woow london thts kool i wna b there fpefully by nxt yr lol. Im Frm sheffield n indian bkground hun :)...fingers crossed hw lohg were on s and s hun? X

Ohh lol yea london. Kinda fed up of it sometimes tho lol. Mmmm u must cook a lot of lush spucy foods like us from the west indies then. Oh i wasnt on sns for very long. Maybe about 4 weeks, its in my diary somewhere lol but before that i did lipotrim in just over a month aswell. Guess im lucky i lost those 3 odd stones quite quickly.

How are u finding the plan so far? I ordered more products to use them on low days lol. Like after a bad day or week to balance things out. Xx

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Yh hunthts wat i mite do later order sum
On low days wen maintaining... U must habe gd metobolism hehe welll jel... Finding the plan oryt so far except for tht tiny popcorn chicken iv been gd n redisting day six tdau prsying for a gd loss on thurd tho lol n for the shrinkin to happen soon agter hehe... And yup luv me spicy food beern brought up with it js like u :) where id ur diary? Lol cnt fin it wsts it called? Xx