Starting my slim and save journey 1st jan 2014 if the pack arrives by then...

Rite i am really not being i like working but this job is becoming like a manager has said if i keep messin up then she wil have no choice but to let me go...she made me cry yday :( i swear i dont make tht many mistakes as many as she keeps pointing out to me....i am actually startin to hate this job...really would like to get into h.r now any role to start off with...fed up of feeling as tho i am driftingg..::any help or advice or info as to how to get into hr even with the lack of experience that i have in that sector will be very very very much gta feeling not going to last in this job much longer at all...dont even wana think what will happpen if i get the sack :/ she keeps changing things wich confuses me eevne more and then listens to all ma calls now compared to the others i js think she reli has it in for me ../. Made me cry first time yday.../.i reli dont kno wt to do wish i nva apploed for this job in the first bludy me plzz lol dint studyy al this time js to end up wher i am atm :( even tho have done call centre work for quite some time now xx
Urghh ended up avin a subway rite need to get bk on track ite cos its mumz bday tmo dint realise opps n then thrt well ad planned day off on mothers day im going to try n restrt thurs n continue till like nxt friday in time for me to go lesta....?????
Need a kik up the ass guys had a six inch subwya tuna one cz tis mumz bday tmo n also wasnt in keto since mothers day damnnn rirte thurs on wards gna stick to plan til nx friday i have tooo :( xx
:whip:Are you having today off for your Mum's birthday? If so keep the carbs low and get ready to get back 100% tomorrow. We are watching you!!!

Meant to say about the job. Call centre work is hard and not for everyone - don't let it destroy your confidence - it's not an indicator of your future success. It is hard to get into HR these days. I would definitely register with agencies as that is how a lot of jobs seem to get filled. Also if you get to the stage where you have time free and can afford it then it might be worth looking at volunteering in a charity HR department to get experience. It won't be the most exciting of jobs at the beginning but it will be good experience. I'm Head of HR but I still spend a lot of time doing paperwork and sometimes the interesting bits get a bit too interesting!!!
Priya you can do it because you really want to. Look how far you have managed to come since January? Don't let a 6 inch subway send you on a downward spiral sweetie.
Cone on girl you can do this, get back into keto and there will be no stopping you! Xx

Yh ur rite food isnt tht important on the agenda i have to b smaller me in the summer got cuzinz hen do cumin up...and her wedding too...:( reli reli wud like to b close to target around abt may time...
:whip:Are you having today off for your Mum's birthday? If so keep the carbs low and get ready to get back 100% tomorrow. We are watching you!!! Meant to say about the job. Call centre work is hard and not for everyone - don't let it destroy your confidence - it's not an indicator of your future success. It is hard to get into HR these days. I would definitely register with agencies as that is how a lot of jobs seem to get filled. Also if you get to the stage where you have time free and can afford it then it might be worth looking at volunteering in a charity HR department to get experience. It won't be the most exciting of jobs at the beginning but it will be good experience. I'm Head of HR but I still spend a lot of time doing paperwork and sometimes the interesting bits get a bit too interesting!!!

Thnku clin yh takin tdai off for mumzz bday bt bk on plan tmo n for the remainder of the majority of the nx two n half weeks... N the days off will b stickin to plain chicken or fish no xtras at try to b as low carb as possible i preferr han/feb time was in hibernation mode n i liked the control of it...dint go out js was at wrk then hme then wrk n bk home again i need tht again....however his month is ful of bdays lol my mumz, my cuzinz n then ma other cuzin on sme day as mine 26th april...gosh n all involves food i dnt even like food at this momebt in time feel guilty n bad after havin it n i used to find it so much easier to jump bk on plan in the earlier months....hmm need to jump bk on it the dreaded thirty day squat challenege reli reli cud do with a budddy plzz ne one? Lool....i strt then find maself stoppin reli annoyin grrrr....js waitin for the new proeucts to come out or else wudv ordered a box worth by nw of packs...hmmmm

Yh i knoo call centres r dreadful lol wel manager did say tht if i improve ma performance she cud look into me doin two days of voluntary in the hr separtmennt of the company bt tht is a big if and depends on her mood think lol....i dnt mind wrkin ina. Charity the onli prob with this paid job is tht a) tis full time b) if lewve before probation is over have to pay half of ma trainin costs wich usually ends up half of ur wages...n js thrt if cud manage yo stick it out in one company for sumtime wud luk gd on ma cv lool tho i am also going to try n have a look at grad scheme jobs and apprenticeships too...i js struggle on coverin letters and tiny bit douvtful of ma cv lool....thts all....woow head of hr thts fantastic u need to tel me abt ur journey sumtime hun wud love to hear it for both tips and in general :) xxx thnku cx
Priya you can do it because you really want to. Look how far you have managed to come since January? Don't let a 6 inch subway send you on a downward spiral sweetie.

Ur rite kira feel bit ill nw with the food etc going to stick to four packs soups n shakes or bars for the nx few weeks think to try n shift n the help of ducolax looool... Loolz mothers day mumz bday lool motnh of april iss dreadul lol wna hibernate again :( xxx
Morning Priya! Enjoy your mum's birthday! (Come on stop pulling faces! It's her day!) (nag nag and don't eat cake!)
When is squats starting I'll join too!!

Yaaay its this


:) day one tdai then :) x
Rite day one of restart and day one of the squat challenge tdai...hurrrr simplicity al the way three litres of water brap brap can do this thinking of summer cuzinz wedding and nyc cute lil playsuits n a nycer bum n toned thighs lol xx even tho the weather is **** atm