Day 4 bludy cystitis yday reli nessed up ma water intake yday n wrk was js mega stressfull was unreal.::havin todo a plan of action for work n remember nt to mke ne mistakes watsoever at times i think mayb its best to leave im giving maself two weeks if i still **** up im js gna lleave....gna strt lukin for other jobs its blusy ridiculus i actually thtt cust service wud b much better then sales coz iv done tht for yrs bt she reli has it in for me. And iv also learnt my so called work colleagues r *****es frm helll

yday was reli reli upset n stresssed i am js prayin tdai dnt mke ne mistakes at all

iv been told need to gtow a bkbone nt b so timid or tht nyc think abt maaelf n grow confidenxe n if do mke mistakes own up to ut straifht away to management rather then to ne one else....regardless of wat the prob is so long as i fix it as sooon as possible....i js dnt get wt it is abt this job i nw preferred makin sales

ffsss ??? i di 100 percent on evy job role n she is proper mkib ne feel unadequate n tht i act childlike bt thts onli coz iv been brought up to js do as mamagement saya cz usually easier tht way in a jov rather then argue forever n js tty n b as flexi as can

..clin hun did u see ma msg? I have never luked so forward to a weeeekend as muvh as i am doin this weekend

onli been at wrk since wed bt it has officially drained me out its a job im dtrtin to dread cz nw js second guess maself bt kno its nt realistic to check on evry call if iv done it rite n its js nt sumt i enjoy nemre

which is a shame cz was reli lukin frward to it i reli wna focus on london n tryin to get a job there cz here sheffield is so **** for opportunities its ridiculus

i gave maself sept 2015 do tht i cud save up sort drivin out help parents adjust to the miiddle sibling bein outa town for uni etc....i wud atill come down ob najority of weekends frm london thts nt a issue....n wud onli wna try it for a yr to see qher it tkes me reli xx