Gold Member
Oh wow well the ducolax was put into effect sooner then i expected...n much more effective then previous can feel ma hip bones wen im lying down nw if onli can see the visual change in ma clothes n in the mirror..hmmmmm
gta bangin head ache wivh reli shudnt b avin cz ima well into ketosis n have drunk more then nuf water tdai hmm :/ :s xxx
Th bk pain has nw ceased frm the right lower bk side n has nw moved to the left soo bizarrew...:s its time like wen avin to run to the vathroom i miss ma old student place and en suite
Th bk pain has nw ceased frm the right lower bk side n has nw moved to the left soo bizarrew...:s its time like wen avin to run to the vathroom i miss ma old student place and en suite