OK here is my two penneth worth now the scales ask someone else in the house to take them and put them in their room and only let you have access to the ONCE a week then get a bit of clothing from you wardrobe that is a little tight (something wearable but would look better if you lost an inch here or there) then three items and small protein and veg meal and water - I drink sparkling water as I prefer it - I have three one litre bottles each filled at night and put in the fridge - I KNOW I have to drink them during the day - on lovely days like this its not difficult but on cooler days I find it more difficult and use more of my water in the shakes so I can take in more water if you are exercising then your muscles will get sore - this is what happens to build muscle you exercise using weights (even body weight) as you exercise it causes minute tears in the muscles which need to be healed to heal the muscle holds some fluid and heals itself - then as you do the next lot of sit ups the process starts again - as you are doing them daily the muscles cant heal - so do them on alternate days but do them really well pull that tummy in till it hurts then do them release and do over dont jerk you only need to curl up but on each on curl up and hold it for five seconds =- harder workout and more benificial - you will find that you hold less water - all inflamed tissue hold fluid even your sore throat so give your self a WEEK before standing on the scales - as your body (and muscles heal) you will see the weight drop so give them to someone else in the house - when I got obsessive hubby took them to work

and brought them home at the weekends

you can do this you have done well so you know you can do well trust the plan and your body oh and make sure to keep measuring - not with a tape measure but with the item of clothing that is a little tight