Amazing! You are the one on the left of the pic with hair up? I think it was just one of those pics that capture you at the wrong angle and time mid blink or something because you don't look anything like that now. You are looking absolutely gorgeous and so much slimmer. I can see why you are having a reflective moment because the before pic is like having a "Auntie Ji" moment. See, no reason to panic yaar (gettin' the accent Priy?) you have come a very long way and you will get to goal. Packs and water with the extra veg and protein meals as and when you choose to or want. Simples!! (Don't worry I will remind myself the same but then again I am an Auntie Ji these days! Ha! ha!
Think i js gt comfy with that tramp...wasnt as socially active like i was in ma earlier uni na final yr n bit of uni it js went dwn hill bt i was in denial nt gna lie actually thrt i luked fine n was head over heels over tht tramp he played bit part twrds me gainin weight, the rose bottles, lack of bud, dependent, droppin friends for him, emotionally tryin to deal with him droppin me at a drop of a hat....i did managr to maintain fine between yrs one n til beginnin of yr three then it went dwnhil frm there....confidence went fwn the drain was always a dwnhill journey frm there....n evrytime tried to lose weiggt nva wtked cz cud nva say to no to wine js cudnt eva say no to him eva e was ma everything strted off so well even thi there was mo xommitment frm him for me w was ma bf n nt casual i dno was messed up tbh.... Gna tke me a long time to get over it n to go on to move on....
One day gna get there wher will b satisfied n will b able to see it and one fay my prince genuine prince will come find me and sweep me off me feet n mean evrything they say n nt js wnt one thing frm u n e will tick majority if nt all of the boxes and sum one hu will wine n dine me properly so tht can finally say been on a proper date n am dating sum one nt checkin or seeing bt dating with time spent fairly even with all the commmutments in life hmmmm.....xx
Awh! Lovely, lovely Priya! You make me smile and you are like a ray of sunshine in your posts. As Clin says when your Prince arrives you'll know it and he will only see you shine and nothing else. You really are looking great and in a few weeks you'll be in those jeans with ease. We've all been where you are slim and then Uni, food drink, boys etc and we go up a couple of dress sizes. That's what happens at Uni. You'll be back to a size you are happy with and also,be sorted job wise too and then before you know it you'll meet Mr Right. You. Never know Mr. Right could be at your cousins wedding!
Morning! It is so good to read up beat post especially when you've been unwell with the tonsillitis. Hope throat is easing up a bit with the anti biopics. Have relaxing day and hopefully we will all be enjoying the sunshine. I was thinking it is good you have posted your pics with trying on the jeans as when you try them again in a few weeks it will be great seeing the comparison. It is easy to forget our before state of being but with a comparison pic is speaks volumes and far more accurate than the scales.
those pictures are great - if you do the same every two weeks and compare they I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the changes you see now the important thing to remember is NO ONE but you and your doctor see the number on the scales - people see YOU (and you are very beautiful) they see what you look like in the clothes you choose so AWAY with those scales you dont need them until you get the body you want - then and only then do you need them during refeed and if something feels a little tight - before things get out of control (I am back for another attempt after losing 70lb at one time now I have to lose 80lb) now stop stressing about the number on the scales - stress hormones can impeed weight loss - honest - so no stress and the weight will go - just think about your sister having to give back all your clothesHxx