my losses are slow I like to use clothes more as a guide so set your self some targets via your clothes
I had a pair of combats that I could not do but (2 inches away from button hole) now I can do them up and sit down in them - I would like them a bit looser before I leave the house in them but they fit
I have a jacket that at the end of last summer was far too tight on the arms today I wore it so inches are coming off
now I want you to think of me as a kitchen roll (most have 70 sheets) and that is what I have to lose
now I will keep one as a control and take no sheets from it at all
the second one I will take 10 sheets from - it looks just like the first one the weight (sheets) gone hardly notice
now the third one I am going to take 20 sheets from - compared to the control there is far more difference
now the fourth on 30 sheets can see a big difference between this one and the control but I can also see a noticeable difference between 20 sheet roll and the thirty sheet roll
now what I am trying to illustrate here is you may not see the difference on the scales but you WILL see a difference in body size and the more you lose the quicker the image will change
you see your scales the doctor might have to BUT no one else needs to know what you weight
if you weighed 12stone and were a size 8 would you be happy I know I would
concentrate on your body
have a look there and use it then dont focus on your weight again focus on YOU
H xx