Heya, Yeah jeans can be really annoying! I always go for high waisted if they don't have them in a 34 leg as I'm quite tall - they just fall down! It's good to see the results along the way - sounds like it's coming off the areas you said about! Great that you have a plan in place - I don't really have one in place for Christmas/New Year to be honest, just gonna go with it. I think this will make me much more mindful even though I will have complete freedom - I found it worked last time when I did LL. We will indeed! This is my 5th day. Not weighing as I'm a tad too scared lol! Just going by clothes at the moment, will weigh when I'm nearer to goal. I estimate I have around 2 1/2 stone to lose to get back to 10st. I'll keep going til I'm there! I joined in July as I was gonna start then - you know how it is, things took a bit of a crap turn at home and all of a sudden it was pressure central! Lasted about 2 days ha. But I'm here for good now!
