Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

Thanks guys - nothing ibuprofen can't fix! Yay on the debut dress Angel - brilliant motivation :)
nana custard and a cuppa before I brave the miserable weather!
Have a good day all XX
Much better morning for my l'il boy! Amazing how that can lift my day :) Also had a friend over for a cuppa which was good too! Just tried the porridge for lunch - nice flavour, but think I may need to adjust the water as it was runny with lumps in....any thoughts porridge lovers?
ttfn XX
How do you make the porridge Hun? It took me some good trial and error to get it how I like it!

I run the tap so its quite hot, then add 140mls (use my measuring cups) of the warm water to a bowl. Pour the porridge on top of the water. Mix it in and at the same time any lumps I notice I squish with my spoon against the side of my bowl so mixes in properly. Microwave 1 min - stir again then microwave 1 min and stir, leave to thicken for a good 30 seconds then stir again! Then to make it perfect for me I mix in a spoon of cinnamon powder and leave it till it cools a bit as too hot for me to eat.
did the 200mls it suggested, then microwaved 1 min, stirred then another min- will def reduce the water I think - will try your method. Thanks hon X
I tried the porridge following instructions Diva and like you - it just was a watery porridge tasting drink - very strange - only tried it again once more and that was too thick - i'm sticking to shapres and tried the tesco bars as well - the berry one is so nice not like cardboard!!

take care

vee x
Great news to here you had a good day. I make porridge with 200ml boiling water and use a quick burst of a hand blender then microwave for just a minute. Leave for 30secs to cool and thicken and it's nice and creamy. Cinnamon sounds nice to add. I think I've nearly mastered the pasta, at least it didn't explode but it's still hard pasta. Good luck all x
I will try again in the morning! My pasta tonight was yum-not hard pasta, and creamier than usual... Can only think it's because I let it stand fir much longer than normal :)
Dr p now and poirot! Ttfn and g'night girls xx
Love Poirot! Enjoy your evening, I'm off to bed. Nighty night.
Hmmm tempted to try the pasta!! Night! Xx
I got it right this morning! nice and creamy and warm on a miserable wet day! and I am talking about the porridge!!
Happy day all - keep dry! X
Ooooo u r nawty......... Maybe that's why I like the porridge so much! I'm still endeavouring with pasta. It's thick now but still hard. Question for you... How do you lift the spirits of someone who is constantly down on themselves because they think they are useless yet they are actually really good at their job? Compliments and evidence just gets disbelieved. It's bringing others at work down and it's doing my head in. Hope you have a great day.
Hmmmm tricky. Depression kinda creeps up on people and they don't see it sometimes til too late. We all want to be useful, to be needed and to feel that we are valued. Maybe rather than compliments, ask them to help with a job or to do something for you that only they can/ that they are intrinsic to-get them to see that the 'machine' doesn't work if they are not part of it. I'm not an expert so not sure if any if that makes sense or will indeed help!!
Maybe they ought to see someone professionally if it continues...
you worrying ain't helping them or you..! Chill hon and sleep well XX
Thanks Diva, yep, I tried the "essential cog in the wheel " tack and showed him evidence of his success. I've now recommended he sees someone and given him a contact. Everyone has dark days but this has been ongoing for a while. Thanks for your wise words! How are things with you? I've a storming headache this morning but feeling ok. Bought some new scales, my others are twenty years old. Have a super day. X
Hi hon, hope you had a good day. Glad you are able to get help for your colleague. :)
porridge and coffee before drop off and a dash to the shops. Got my parents down this weekend and it's been too long - littlest guy is sooooo excited!
lunch out tomorrow (having my aam this week then)looking forward to it! and WI on Sunday....better be more than 1lb this week!!!
3lbs this week, was hoping for more but don't we always! Have fun with your parents Diva. I'm off to get my hair cut for first time in ages then a friend is in a play tonight so it's an am dram night with friends. Good luck for tomorrow. X
Hi hon, well you did one more than me! 2lb this week, but it is all going in the right direction (also do feel a bit totm-y...)
I've had a lovely time with my parents-always too soon when they have to go home! How'd your hair cut go? Pics? :) also hope you had s fab night with your am dram-love a bit if that myself! Ttfn have a good day x
Hi Girls - you're both doing so well - love dropping in on your banter - I need to get some porridge and persevere with it - the taste was great = i just struggled to get a good consistency.

I've had 'AAM' this week and I dont think I like it - how do oyu go with it Diva? - I've found the meal has been fine - I've just done protein (fish or chicken) with salad or veg but what i have noticed is that I've picked a couple of times - so a lump of cheese, or some wafer thin chicken - now in the grand scheme of things that is nothing anywhere near eating 6 bags of crisps or grabbing chocolate but it has worried me that actually the strictness of 'no food' is what i need for a bit longer.

I guess seeing what WI is next Tuesday will help me see its ok to eat!

Take Care Vee x :cool:
Hi vee
you're doing brilliantly! I don't do a week of aam, I just add one meal each week as I feel I can cope with that better :) too much to handle 7 days!! That said, I pick occ like you have with cube of cheese (like cm square!) or a bite if ham, turkey etc-stuff that won't break ketosis, but lets me feel I am learning a bit of control-'yes I ate that, but only that, and no more'
totm always gives me psychological cravings-used to eat choc etc now I go for a bite of protein!
si far it hasn't affected my losses-ill prob be harder in myself if that happens!
Bit of a ramble hon, sorry!! If it helps then great!!
Currently torturing myself as the house smells of Christmas cake!! (Gift for my inlaws) and stollen dough is proving while the boys dinner cooks! Am practicing for parent's pressie :)
ttfn my lovelies xxxxxxxxxx
ps good luck for WI on Tuesday x
2lb, super Diva well done! Christmas cake is something I can happily leave alone, always have. Stay strong!
Hi vee, keep going with porridge, I love it! I'm a bit like you with aam, feel like I'm losing control so I think I will try divas way of the occasional bite. Sticking 100% seems to be slow going for me so may e a bit of food will help. I'm away with friends this weekend, can't wait. Night all x
Think I'll try your way Diva - havent had a meal today and not worried about it - would be better to pick one day each week and then be able to join in with kids or those events when I'm out for work etc - I'll probably feel more in control then

vee x