Starting tomor...need friends and support please!

Of course! The more the merrier! Welcome =) so are you starting tomorrow and are you going to be on SS? x
Yes! Indeed welcome to the fat busting advent diet gang! I have stuffed my dance tonight and a milkshake becons for breakfast. It is starting! I'm not going to quite as upbeat in the next few days I know!
Fat busting advent diet gang!!! I love it! Well night gang I'll look forward to hearing how you're all getting on tomorrow! Don't forget water and black coffee will become your dieting best friends! (Other than us of course!) =) x
Of course! The more the merrier! Welcome =) so are you starting tomorrow and are you going to be on SS? x
I started yesterday but have just moved abroad and so have to wait for the sachets to be sent out to me. I can't wait until they arrive as am super motivated at the mo! xx
how r u all doing. i always find these first few days the worse bit!!
Hi My name is Keely and i am starting today, I have about 6 stone to loose, I have bad thyroid problems so got everything crossed this still works!! Can I join your gang for a bit of support this is going to be a long journey for me!! xx
WelshCaro - nope you can have your caff!! Doodles - Do you have any sachets to keep you going? Keely - welcome! there's a few of us with thyroid problems on here so we know how you feel! Skinny - Morning is going well so far thanks! had my choc tetra and i've got a lovely cup of twinings purify tea! it tastes like cucumber! =) How are you doing? I hope you guys are all prepared for lots of toilet trips! All that water going in has to come out again!! =) Have a great morning! (Sorry about the big paragraph - my old school system at work doesn't allow me to start new paragraphs on here for some reason!)
The other lady in my office who is sat right opposite me has so far this morning eaten a garlic sausage sandwich, a yoghurt, a pear and a mini fruit cheesecake! I can't stand people who eat non stop at their desk! it's gross! haha! Luckily it just made me feel even stronger! I'm off to get another cup of fruit tea! How is everyone doing with their water intake today? i am only 500mls down! i better get drinking!! =)
its my sons birthday today...full party food cake!
Make the day about your son and not about the food you want to eat. Just think what a waste of money it would be to have bought all these shakes if you are not going to stick to it! One little bit of cake will be another day further away from ketosis and your weight loss goal! Drink lots of water and if you get desperate chew some sugar free dum or even have an extra shake/soup. Day 1 is not a good day to cheat on! be strong!
Good morning everyone! It's noon and all is well. I'm about a litre down on water and I had apple and cinnamon porridge for breakfast. It didn't taste like porridge it tasted like the food from Oliver Twist! Cambridge foods are not Michelin starred! I ate it and it were sweet! I had a herbal tea too. So far so good. The witching hours are between 5 - 8. !
And skinny, stay away from the cake. Cake is why we are all here, eating 400kcal a day! Just think of being 10lbs lighter, which is the more attractive! ... Thought so :))
Hey Welsh. Ketosis will start around day 3 or 4 depending on how strict you are! you can buy things called Ketostix (spelling?) which you pee on! If not you might notice a metalic taste in your mouth and not particulalry fresh breath as they are common side effects although i never experience either of those! My witching hour is between about 6 and 9 but tonight i have my weigh in at 8 so there's no way i will be tempted! I hate porridge normally so there's no way i would like the cambridge stuff! i literally live on the choc tetra packs and occasionally the banana to combine the two! Well done for your water intake! x
Day 4 is Friday! Saturday I have a do. Months ago I bought me and hubby tix to watch Wales v Oz, normally abut rugby day with lots of booze. I can't imagine going along and not partaking! But it feels so bad to revert to a carb burning lass and not a fat burning one! I will be a frightful bore if I drink water and this is the only event in next 2.5 week that will question my resolve! Ideas??
Well i am in the same position really, i have an event tomorrow night that is all paid for. Unfortunately this is a bad time of year to avoid social situations but all i can say is try to be 100% up until Saturday and then enjoy yourself but be prepared to get straight back on it sunday! it can be hard for people who step off the wagon for a day to get back on! How are you getting on today?
All good here thanks just having a hot bath waiting for my weigh in! I have only just got back on the wagon so I'll be happy with just a little weight loss this week! Next weeks weigh in will be the important one! I'm getting rid of my soups tonight as I really don't like them! Hopefully she'll have some rice pudding to try! Enjoy your shake! x