How are you getting on over here? Not seen you since WI. How are you holding up? I'm invested in seeing your hair when you hit 159 (or less!) this week
Wow, if I can lose 10 pounds in one week I would be in seventh heaven.
Yea, I didn't come on all weekend as I was rather discouraged with all the STS. But thanks for stopping by! I've decided that I'm going to do an actual diet (i.e. calorie reduction). It seems it is the only thing that works for me. However, I am not going to lose sight of the low-carb maintenance plan. I am still cooking hubby and the fam healthy meals so that I stay in that habit. But I am making myself a separate supper for now and I'm doing protein shakes for both breakfast and lunch (instead of just breakfast). I'm also going to reduce my workouts a bit just because they've been longer and heavier than my usual weight loss routine because I wasn't drastically reducing calories. Basically, I'm just going back to what has always worked for me in the past (low calorie, light weight workouts) since low carb and intense weight workouts don't seem to be working. Once I hit 159 (or maybe 149 if I lose it quick enough), I will increase my calories and intensify my workouts.
Breakfast: Coffee
Snack: Protein Shake (Caramel)
Lunch: Protein Shake (Caramel)
Supper: Barbecue Chicken Quesadilla with red onions and smoked Gouda and mozzarella cheese on low-carb wrap
Hubby had 2 Pollock fillets with Green Beans and Mac & Cheese (supper) and Low-Carb Chili and low-carb corn bread (lunch @ work)
Kiddos had Turkey Hot Dogs with Green Beans and Mac & Cheese (supper) and Air-fried Chicken nuggets and 50% less sugar baked beans and creamed corn (lunch)
(I'm gonna post what I make them as well since it will keep me in the habit of making healthy meals)
Workout: Glutes & Quads Routine & 4 miles on Exercise Bike (200 calories)
I'm surprisingly feeling rather positive (very unlike me after no weight loss) but I think it's because I'm resorting to what I know works for me. I did not binge over the weekend, though it was VERY tempting. I did however "cheat." On Friday, I bought myself one of those kiddie containers of mini Oreos (about 400 calories) and on Saturday, the kiddos and I made 1 batch of low(er)-carb sugar cookies (1/2 reg flour and 1/2 low-carb flour and Stevia bake blend, so 75% less sugar). They came out surprisingly well. A little crumbly, but the taste was pretty much the same. I didn't calculate the actual difference. Everything else I ate was according to plan. Naturally, the scale shot up to 175, but it was already down to 173 by mid-afternoon. Hopefully I didn't undo anything and I will see a loss this weekend.