Stefanie's Food Diary - Extra Easy

Hey there, is there any veg he will eat? If not, green may be a better option for you as then you don't have to worry about the veg aspect. But if you want to do EE, I sometimes have ready chopped carrots, broccoli, green beans in the fridge so that I can just pop them in the microwave to steam. You could cook your usual meals and then just add the veg to your own meal. xx
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Thursday 20 January

B: 20g all-bran (half hex), splash ff milk, cooked breakfast of one egg, slice ham, mushrooms and beans.

L: ham salad (onion, pepper, rocket, tomato) with cous cous, green olives (1 syn) and cheddar cheese (half hex), ff snack pot yogurt.

D: marinated venison steak stir-fry with veg and egg noodles (2 syns for tom yum paste)

S: pineapple pieces

Syns: 3
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Friday 21 January - Weigh-in Day

Super duper 2 pounds off and my stone and a half award - feel very proud of myself and am truly shocked that I have stuck at a diet for this long. It genuinely is now becoming my way of life - very happy at being half way through my journey and then I can re-assess my target and see where I want to be once I reach my 3 stone goal xx

B: ff yogurt and 2 tangerines

L: wholemeal toast 57g (hexb), 1 boiled egg, ham and rocket salad, 1 lcel (1/6 hex), tbsp of light mayo (2 syns)

D: roast chicken, spaghetti mixed with onion, mushroom and just over a tbsp sacla pesto (1.5 syns per portion), broccoli and asparagus.

S: boiled egg, ham, rocket and 1 lcel (2/6 hex) wrapped in a lettuce leaf

Syns: 3.5
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Sunday 23 January

Ok hands up, been a bit of an emotional wreck and went out Friday, got severely drunk, fell out with hubby and consoled myself with a pizza. I know why I done this, I'm having some personal issues and I think it all came to a head. I still feel quite depressed but I'm not going to let this ruin my weight loss journey.

B: 42g all-bran (hex), ff yogurt, 2 tangerines.

L: wholemeal pasta mixed with slice ham, tomatoes, cheddar cheese (hex), 4 olives (1 syn), pesto (1.5 syns), touch of creme fraiche (0.5 syns) served with broccoli and rocket.

D: chicken salad with broccoli, boiled egg, tbsp creme fraiche mixed with mustard (1 syn)

S: tangerine

Syns: 4

40 min jog
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Monday 24 January

Wish I could snap out of this depression, trying hard - its hubbies birthday on Thursday and we are going away for 3 days - hopefully we can make it special.

B: all-bran 20g (half hex), ff yogurt, 2 tangerines.

L: one boiled egg, 2 babybel and 1 lcel (hex), 1 Finn crisp (half hex), beans and big salad.

D: loin of pork, cous cous, broccoli, carrot, brussel sprouts, sauce made with touch mustard and creme fraiche (1 syn), ff yogurt

S: tangerine

Syns: 3

Really sore throat so will have 4 strepsils (2 syns)

40 min jog
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Tuesday 25 January

B: 20g all-bran (half hex), splash ff milk (hex), ff yogurt

L: 2 scan bran (half hex) topped with 2 lcel (hex), bit of ham and lettuce, ff activia snackpot.

D: roast chicken, curry sauce, brown rice, broccoli and asparagus.

S: scan bran topped with 1 babybel and i lcel (hex), tangerine, scan bran topped with 1 lcel (2 syns), pear.

Syns: 1 for 2 strepsils and 2, so 3.

20 min walk
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Wednesday 26 January

Hubby's birhday tmrw so we are spending it away in a hotel for 3 nights. I have an awful cold but am going to try make myself better!!

B: ff yogurt, peppermint and ginger tea.

L: 2 scan bran and 2 lcel, ww mediterranean pasta (1.5 syns), tea as above.



Syns: 1.5

Well done on your loss!:woohoo:

Menus looking really good, dont beat yourself up re Pizza we all do it. You done the right thing by getting straight on track.:D

Dont worry about going away either you can make sw choices and if aint on the menu ask? they can only say no...:)

Have a good time:)

Thank you for caring and making me feel better about the pizza, you are a lovely person, very supportive xx
Here to help wherever I can - mind ate loads yesterday - so have to count up the syns oooopppss:(

Never mind back on track today:D


Wednesday 2 February

Well been away, had an amazing time, lots of fun and just an overall new found love for hubby...awww lol. I'm back on plan today, I'm not sure how it will go as I have some potentially life changing news tmrw....I'm just hoping I have the strength to keep moving forward. So here goes, it's looking like a green day...

B: ff yogurt and a tangerine.

L: 2 boiled eggs, 2 ww bread (hex), beans and tbsp light mayo (2 syns).

D: 2 egg frittata with onion and beans.

S: 3 tangerines, apple, ff yogurt

Syns: 2
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Thursday 3 February

B: 2 fried eggs on top of 2 ww bread (hex) with beans.

L: ff yogurt, apple, tangerine.

D: wholemeal pasta with veg, olives and a red pesto sauce (2.5 syns)

S: tangerine, apple

Syns: 2.5
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Friday 4 February weigh-in day

Well feeling much better today! Had good news, well it's worked out for the best. I weighed-in today after being away last week and have sts I'm very happy with that. Hubby just sprung another 2 days away in a hotel for our anniversary so I'm off again tmrw, very sweet of him! I will just need to be ultra on-plan the rest of the month xx

B: 2 eggs on toast with beans, tbsp light Mayo (2 syns), slices of pineapple.




Wednesday 9 February

I'm back again! Was away for my anniversary and had a great time and also been dealing with some really emotional issues which are affecting me more than I am letting on. I really am trying to be strong, it's so difficult though. But back to it, determination and weight loss here I come! :)

B: ff yogurt, 1 boiled egg, 2 scan bran, 2 lcel and a tangerine.

L: ff yogurt, tangerine.

D: chicken stir-fry with veg and egg noodles (stir-fry sauce 1 syn)

S: 2 scan bran, 2 lcel, apple.

Syns: 1
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Thursday 10 February

B: ff activia, 2 scan bran (half hex) topped with 2 lcl (2/5 hex) and rocket, apple.

L: boiled egg, new potatoes on a salad of rocket, beetroot, cucumber and tomato. Egg mixed with 2 lcl (4/5 hex) and 1 tbsp elf mayo (0.5 syn), slice ww bread (half hex).

D: spicy meatballs with a basil tomato sauce served with wholemeal spaghetti and salad (0.5 syns for breadcrumbs)

S: ff activia, apple

Syns: 1
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Friday 11 February Weigh-in

Gained a pound but I did eat out most of last week so I'm back afresh. I have no more nights out or occasions planned this month and am stepping things up as I have let things slide for many a reason. Anyways, here I go:

B: ff activia, half a grapefruit, slice ww bread (1/2 hex) topped with beans and 1 lcl (1/5 hex).

L: 2 boiled eggs mixed with elf mayo (1 syn) and a lcl (2/5 hex), slice ww bread (1/2 hex), beans and salad with tomato and pickled cabbage.

D: leftover meatballs in a tomato sauce served with wholewheat pasta, asparagus and salad. (half syn for meatballs).

S: Apple, lcl (3/5 hex)

Syns: 1.5
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Saturday 12 February

B: ff yogurt, half a grapefruit, slice ww bread toped with a lcel (hex) and beans.

L: pasta mixed with one babybel light (hex) beans and egg served with big salad and tbsp elf mayo (0.5 syns).

D: kfc chicken, homemade coleslaw (2 syns for elf mayo and 1 for breadcrumbs), potato wedges, beans, salad and 2 lcl (hex), ff yogurt.

S: red wine (10 syns), apple

Syns: 13

40 min jog
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Sunday 13 February

B: Up too late :)

L: 2 slices ww bread (hex) topped with 2 lcl (2/5 hex), beans, salad and homemade coleslaw (0.5 syn), ff yogurt.

D: BBQ roast chicken, rosemary and garlic wedges (1 syn), broccoli and salad.

S: apple, ff yogurt

Syns: 1.5

40 min jog
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Monday 14 February

B: 2 slices ww bread topped with 2 boiled eggs mixed with 2 tbsp elf mayo (1 syn) served with a big salad.

L: homemade veg soup, ff yogurt.

D: chicken curry mixed with 1tbsp creme fraiche (0.5 syn), brown rice, salad and asparagus. Bowl of veg soup to start.

S: apple, 1 lcl (1/5 hex), fruit salad.

Syns: 1.5

35 min jog
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Tuesday 15 February

B: ff activia and half a grapefruit.

L: salad with new potatoes, boiled egg, slice ww bread (half hex), 20g feta cheese (half hex) and 1 tbsp elf mayo (0.5).

D: veg soup to start, leftover chicken curry, brown basmati rice and salad. Will add 1 tbsp of ww creme fraiche to curry (0.5).

S: small bowl of veg soup with a bit of feta mixed in (half hex), apple, tangerine.

Syns: 1

35 min jog
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