Gold Member
Aaw bless you, you do need a food shop! Can you do an online one? Really hope your better soon xxx
You'd think lying about all day I'd update here more often?? Must admit feel like total pants. I have serious respect for anyone who has any kind of joint pain or arthritis or the like. My joints are killing me particularly my knees and hips... but weirdly my elbows and toes too! I'm lucky that it will clear up quickly for me don't know how anyone copes with chronic pain. I'm like a junkie sitting waiting on my next dose of painkillers when they start to wear off and to see me shuffle to the bathroom you'd think I was a hundred. I'm fine when I'm lying down...just can't move easily. And trying to sleep with your legs elevated is uncomfy. On the plus side mouth ulcers are on the way out and apart from the joint pain and that my lower legs look like red, shiny, lumpy, overstuffed sausages that's all the symptoms I should get with this. Boss at work was unhappy with my sick note and said could I not just work anyway as I work from I sent him a picture of my shins in their full glory with the word noProved quite effective! Have done my normal 2 fast days so far this week but have upped my calories on them to 750 as I need to have something to eat when I take the painkillers. I haven't adjusted my UDs though as I had read elsewhere that others found you could have up to 750 calories on a DD and still lose the same...will find out on Saturday. Going to try and get back into a normal routine of getting up and dressed tomorrow as I think it would do me good. Will need to do an online shop and could do something more productive than flick from one bad daytime tv programme to another for hours on end
Thanks for your kind wishes xx
So, Yesterday's UD food
Breakfast - All bran mixed with rice krispies, skimmed banana and not enough of either cereal for a portion
Lunch - Pot noodle, 2 slices of toast with marmite, penguin biscuit (had gone all soft and tasted weird...still ate it!!)
Dinner - 2 fish fingers, 3 chicken dippers, 1 sausage, half a dozen oven chips, a decidedly dodgy looking waffle and a tin of beans
Snacks- 1 babybel light, stale tea biscuits, a dry ryvita, packet of stale crisps
Safe to say I need to get a shop inLiterally surviving on the dregs of what was in the freezer and cupboards. Had been running them down as was planning on spring cleaning kitchen etc Rotten day's food
Today's food- DD
Stale tea biscuits
Noodles with laughing cow melted into them :sign0137:
2 babybel light
4 teaspoons of sugar eaten straight from the packet :ashamed0005:
Calorie wise it may have been ok but absolutely minging food past 2 days. Shopping is being delivered tomorrow morning :gimi:
Please try to cut yourself some slack, you are achieving your goals. Rather now than in another few years when you say you'd wished you'd came across 5:2 sooner. You have! Your doing it! With amazing results! Xxx
(((hugs))) for you. Pain is the quickest thing in the world to get you down and that's what's going on. Give yourself a break, you're doing great and this is a tough time but it WILL pass.
Ladybird 10 pregnancies?? 2 sets of twins?? WOW!! What age are they all now??
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Youngest two are 15 and eldest 24. Getting into size 12 is a bit of a miracle for me lol.