Fasting Rocks
I moved to Cardiff as a grown woman with a baby in tow at 43, 10 years ago now. Admittedly, I had my mum and dad here and my sister, B-I-L, their two kids, brother and S-I-L (although they moved to Switzerland in 2010) but for reasons I'm not even sure of, my sister and brother and their OHs were less than supportive so I was pretty much on my own. I did make a couple of friends through my son's nursery and these are the people I have relied on ever since although I do occasionally go out with the mums from his primary school. However, I decided a couple of weeks ago that I needed to expand my social network so I've joined Meet Up. Not sure where you're planning on moving to but there might well be one in your new area so check it out. I went to my first Meet Up on Saturday - the Cardiff Fab 50s - and it was fun. The organiser has already posted a few more dates for events taking place for us to get together. Good luck.
Find your people - Meetup
CHILL! One date at a time, enjoy it while it's good, you'll ruin it by overthinking.
I'm here by the way so you'll know me too!!!! Seriously though, we might hate each other on sight but we might not, got to be worth meeting up to see I reckon.
Thanks both of you x I'm not the most self confident of people and it is the only concern I have about moving. The friends I have I've had for years. I'll be honest...and this is probably shocking...I don't even like most of them and we have little in common, but it's easier than making new ones