Fasting Rocks
So back to it today
Have been plodding along fine..well until Saturday night and yesterday when I ate everything..whole box of chocolates, crisps, cheese, nuts etc etc. My digestive system didn't like it too much though so it didn't hang around for long
I also didn't enjoy it. It really was eating for the sake of eating and getting back to it today isn't a problem which is probably a first. Normally one day pigging out and the next day I am constantly fighting the urge to have "just one more day" off plan. I weighed myself on Saturday. Was supposed to help motivate me but obviously that didn't work out so well
It showed a 4lb loss so far for the month so have 3 fasts remaining for September to undo any damage the weekend did and hopefully lose another pound which would take me (just!) into the 10s. Hope everyone has had a good weekend and will catch up on here after today's work. x