Steve's Lipotrim Diary

Sounds like the refeed is going well, good on you! And well done on reaching your 13 stone goal :)
Thanks Abbz - it's going pretty well. The weight is still bang on 13stones but I suppose the proof will be in the pudding tomorrow after tonight's Carbs. I'm still in Ketosis but at a level of around half that I used to be. Day 3 Refeed Breakfast - Strawberry shake Lunch - same as yesterday. Tuna Salad :) Dinner - 1/2 a Cod Loin seasoned with herbs, 2 onion slices, a sprig of Broccoli, mushrooms and 6oz potatoes mashed with some skimmed milk Apologies for the crap photo, I'd already started tucking in and hadn't mashed the spuds when I remembered to take the pic


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stick with it ive been on it 3 weeks, im chef found it hard couple times but i just dig in. but yesterday i had worst day ever felt sick really needed to eat , today staight back on it keep it up
Refeed day 4

Been at work on call from 0730 until 2200 so only just eaten my tea now :(

Breakfast - Lipo shake

Lunch - Ham Salad Wrap with light Mayo and a small Banana.

Dinner - 100g spaghetti with yummy light dolmio sauce, lean steak mince, with added onions and mushrooms. Had a yoghurt planned but too late to eat it now :(
Refeed Day 5 Breakfast - Lipo shake Lunch - Tuna & Sweetcorn wrap with light mayo. Small banana, small orange Dinner - spaghetti bolognese, small Greek style yoghurt Snacks - couple of dry roasted peanuts ;) Another long day at work but managed to squeeze the dinner in at a reasonable time today unlike yesterday

The strange thing is even after eating bread and pasta, the dip stick shows I'm still in Ketosis although only at 0.4 instead of 0.8 where I've been on TFR
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Refeed day 6

Breakfast - Lipo shake

Lunch - baked potatoe with cheese, tuna & salad in the cafe. Probably too big but what the heck.

Dinner - 4oz Topside steak, mash, onions & mushrooms all steamed with steak flashed on George.

Snacks - yoghurt & a banana.

The steak ended up about half the size as the photo as I was too full to eat it all. That's Wednesday nights dinner sorted.

I'm not overly bothered With the larger portion sizes than stated in the refeed as I'm still losing weight and burnt over 1400 calories in tonight's Spin & Body conditioning classes :)


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Refeed day 7

Breakfast - Lipotrim shake

Lunch - chilli con Carne with rice from Cafe - only are 1/2 of rice

Dinner - Ham salad sandwich, club biscuit, (at Platelet donation)

Snacks - 1 small Banana, 1 yoghurt, 1 skinny latte

Surprising enough at tonight's Platelet donation I was classes as borderline anaemic. I've never had a problem donating every 2 weeks on TFR but my iron levels seemed to have dropped in the last 2 weeks. They had to double check with a proper machine which have a result a 2 points above the minimum.

Well that's the end of the official refeed. I've not stuck to it 100% as it's hard in my job as I'm on the road a lot with unsocial hours. I'll post my weight tomorrow and update keep my weight updated.

If I can keep up the routine of eating more healthy, having a shake for breakfast, 1 carb meal and 1 protein meal plus keeping up the gym work it'll be all good.
Final weight at the end of the Refeed week is +2lb's up which i'm happy about as i've not piled on loads and am finally out of Ketosis. The fact that this is just water weight doesn't bother me. I'll continue to update every couple of weeks to keep me on track long term
A Couple of weeks on from being back on food and its all still going well. My weight has been hovering between 12st 13lb and 13st 1lb so i'm happy with that. I'm still struggling to get the required calories down my neck and seem to average around 1900 a day.

Breakfast normally consists of a Slimfast or Tesco Ultraslim shake and a Banana with a Carb ladden lunch and a Protein meal after the gym. One night a week we eat out, but at Nando's, restaurants or the Pub. Neither of us have any interest in fizzy drinks, takeaways, chocolate or biscuits which is a good thing.

Now i'm eating and am back in some sort of routine i started weight training today to do alongside my usual Cardio routine with an aim to continue to reduce body fat but increase Muscle. I picked up a tub of Protein shake today so that i can use that as a supplement to my normal food to assist with the training. Overall, i'm still enjoying the healthier me but am looking forward to a small Toby Carvery tomorrow evening with a couple of pints (My first of 2014) - I certainly feel i've deserved them :D

I hope everyone is behaving themselves ;)
Three weeks post Lipotrim today.

The weight is still dropping and my current weight is 12 stones 10lbs - it can only be because the amount of training that I'm doing.

I now alternate between Cardio and Weights with a couple of days off each week for recovery. I'm still having a shake (slim fast) for breakfast along with fruit but think I may have to substitute this soon for cereal or toast to get my calories up.

I've even starting taking a protein shake along with Creatine supplements as it can pile on a few pounds of water in the muscles which in turn help with the training.

We also both picked up the JawboneUP24 activity trackers which are a great bit of kit and keep us motivated with day to day activities and walking.

So far the Lipotrim journey has been life changing for both my missus and me and we are darn sure we keep it that way :)

5 weeks post Lipotrim and the weight has stabilized at around 12st 13lbs which i'm happy with. I'm still eating pretty healthy, logging everything on Myfitness Pal and have kept up the Gym.

I'm going to just continue doing what i'm doing as it seems to be working. I'm certainly not on any kind of "Diet" as such and even sneak in a few beers when we eat out occasionally. I've basically learned that i can eat what i want within reason, so long as i work it off in the gym when i over indulge.

We've both kept up the water intake and don't drink any sort of fizzy drinks with the exception of lager or cider

Hows everyone else getting on - It seems mighty quiet in here now !
Another week on and another week at the same weight so still at 12st 13lbs I've now pushed my daily calories back up to 2450 and am drinking 2 protein shakes, having full fat milk and Anchor Butter in an aim to start building some of the muscle back on my top half. Tonight is measurement night too, so it'll be interesting to see if my body shape is changing. Everything i eat and drink is still monitored using My Fitness Pal so that i can keep a running total on my weekly calories. I'm probably eating more than i every have done, and am now realizing that its not only what you eat, but how active you stay which is the the secret to keeping the weight off. The other half is still dropping about 1 to 2 lbs a week and again, its the hours put in at the gym which appear to have made all the difference. Measurements to follow this evening
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How's everyone getting on - Some of the usual suspects are being very quiet. 01/06/14 The last few weeks has been going OK, i still pop to my chemist every couple of weeks and was continuing to lose weight so he advised me to up my calories to around 2800 and run with that for a while. I still hover between 12st 10lb and 12st 13lb but did shoot up to 13st 4lb after a blowout weekend for my Birthday which involved loads of meals out and numerous pints. Thankfully it only took a couple of days to drop off again so i think a lot of that was water retention. A couple of 2hr+ marathon sessions in the Gym also helped get the weight back down. I still log all food, drink and exercise between My Fitness Pal and the UP24 Activity tracker that i wear so its easy to see when i'm having a lazy day, or when i do over indulge. I'm still sticking to Water, Tea, Coffee & Beer for liquids and don't really eat takeaways of any sort unless its Nandos or Pub Grub which is only as unhealthy as what you pick from the menu. I certainly don't restrict my eating in any way, except to try and always get my Quota of Protein down my neck daily, and not go over my calories for the running week which is easy as pie. I hope everyone on Lipotrim sticks at it as it does appear to be a life changing diet so remember its a very short term thing for long term gains so long as you don't go back to the bad habits of eating crap when you come off it.

My new challenge for myself is to uncover my Six pack for the summer, and continue to build muscle. The more I build, the more I can eat :)
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Well done Steve on your continued success and thank you for the update!
21/6 - Weight still hovering around 12st 11lbs but had my body fat checked today by my sister-in-laws Personal trainer. I'm apparently down to 17.5% Body Fat - I also have a visible 6 pack just starting to show and for the 1st time in my life can do press ups - Thanks Mini Mins & Lipotrim Woohoo !!!!!!!!!!!!!

He says pi**ed as a fart milling his last pint :)
Very impressive Steve!

Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration to the rest of us:)
Just finished reading your diary! Wow you are an inspiration!!! Keep it up! Xxx
06/07/14 - Gained a few lbs and now 13st 1lb which is still lower than what i was when i stopped refeeding.

I'm not going to worry about it until i hit 13st 7lbs as i've been doing weight training for 3 months now and have certainly gained muscle - They seem to all agree that 1.5lbs a month is about the going rate for a newbee so that would make sense with what i've put on since hitting my lowest of 12st 10lbs.

On a plus note, i now fit comfortably into 32" waist jeans and shorts so until these start getting tight again, i'll not worry

Just updating the diary for myself really to keep track of what's going on
Another few weeks on and the weight is still hovering around the 13 stones mark. The gym work is continuing and I've been doing weights for 4 months today.

Off on a cruise next week do that should be interesting. I can honestly say I've never eaten as much as I do now, but everything is more balanced and in moderation :)

A couple of before and after pictures to hopefully inspire some of you :)


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How are people getting on ?

One year + on and Lipotrim has totally transformed my life. I gained a Stone on the cruise in August, but this took just 10 days to return back to my 13stone post Lipotrim weight. Another cruise in November plus Christmas pushed my weight up to 14st 7lbs but again this has dropped back to 14stones and falling.

I'm still hitting the gym hard every week and im sure that a lot of that gained weight is lean Muscle as my body fat hovers between 17.5% and 20%. My biggest advice to post Lipo losers is to continue to log everything on an App like My fitness Pal and to excersize daily, even if its just hitting 10,000 steps a day. When i want to lose i drop my calories, when i'm training hard and want to bulk i put them up. I basically eat anything i want in moderation with the exception of McD's, KFC, pizza ect and have never felt so good.

I just thought i'd pop in and say hi to hopefully inspire people that it is worth it to stick it out as it can be truly life changing.