Im as excited as you

For some reason Im more focused on you getting to target than what I am about me
Hahaha Jelly, I'm excited for both of us and the rest of the juddders, we'll all get there in our own time
Just had a right funny week, UDs turning into DDs, DDs into MDs then being sick, Uds into MDs blah blah blah! Be glad to get back into the proper routine of it! Planning to WI on sat and hoping for a sts! Don't think I've lost this week, hardly any exercise and too much messing with days lol! Plus too many jaffa cakes hehehe! I definitely don't want to get into those again! I didn't buy them, my mum did lol, I had cravings for jaffa cakes when pregnant with my daughter, so def don't need to start on them again! Lol!
Meant to be off into town tomorrow with my friend Claire if she's feeling ok, she's pregnant and has been very poorly with morning sickness (I know how that feels, had it BAD with both boys!!). So hopefully will get to have a girlie day, if she doesn't make it prob will go on my own anyway, I need some pressies for birthday parties at the weekend and a couple of jumpers.
Had some bad news today, the good friend that keeps her horse with my two has been diagnosed with leukaemia. I just hope she's going to be ok. We have another friend in the family that's been battling it for years, and he has been very very ill quite a few times now. Not good at all.
Anyway folks, I'm off now to chill out. UD tomorrow. Catch up with you all later, don't know if I'll get much time on here tomorrow, if the weather is ok we're off in the evening to a firework display with the kids