Thanks MF!
Hahaha Katie! Not diet coke thoDiet Pepsi, not quite the same but was on special offer lol!! Yay french fries are back!!! That's what my problem was, no french fries to keep me going, I've now stocked up again!!! My little girl was after them earlier and I gave her a bag of Skips, nasty mummy that I am lol!
I hide my good food. I have a tub with choc options packets in. The OH never goes in and the kids cant reach. I hide them in there at the bottom but sshhhhhh dont tell anyoneMy little girl was after them earlier and I gave her a bag of Skips, nasty mummy that I am lol!
Well done in taking control and turning the days round. You could have easily have said oh well UD tomorrow too and spiraled. Just think of that's waving at youMy DD has sadly turned into an UD, just couldn't face it todayBut that means the planned UD for tomorrow will be a DD and I'll just have to not have dinner out, if we go that is as they've given out lots of rain anyway, and we won't be going if it's pouring down!
So DD tomorrow!!!
Join the club, im sure my OH now gets my PMTAs for hubby not wanting dinner, he's been like that for weeks, I'm not his favourite person atm so he's sulking rather a lot! Men huh!!!