Sun 29th Nov - UD
Wow, I've eaten too much today lol! It was a lot easier (and healthier!) when my oven was broken! I've become a tab obsessed with the novelty of an oven lol lol lol!
Well we've had a manic weekend! Hubby is on call. He got called out Saturday morning at 6.30am and I've literally hardly seen him since!!! He's not long come in and got in the bath, hopefully that's it now for the night as he's already worked over 30hrs this weekend!!!

Plymouth has been hit with A LOT of rain and strong winds this weekend, and they had really bad flooding last night.
Anyway I had a day on my own with the kids yesterday. Went and did horses, then went to Tescos (yes to buy MORE baking stuff, told you I was obsessed!!) then went to a shop to get some more baking tins lol!
Today again went to do horses with kids, then came home and had a baking fest! Scones, little cakes and cookies! haven't made any of my famous choccy cake yet (my sister has already said she wants one, and the pre-school have also put in an order!) But I know I won't be able to resist it and will probably eat all the of three cakes I'm planning on making lol! I also did a lovely roast pork joint, with roast potatoes (oh it's been too long!), yorkshire puds and veg! Had it early today at 2pm, we usually have sunday roast at 4/5pm ish. Hubby didn't make it back in time, but he did manage to come home a bit later, eat his and go off out the door again!
I had a phone call at 2.15pm from a friend from school asking where Oli's party was

I had TOTALLY forgotten that me and the kids were suppossed to be at my friend Emma's house for her sons birthday party at 2pm!!! Whoops! The oven had distracted me

. I don't think Emma was best pleased! But there was no way we could get there, kids and I were just in scruffy clothes and eating our roast lol!!! You know, there are priorities!!!! I do feel bad tho! I'm sure she'll be pulling faces at me in the morning!
So then me and the kids had scones and fruit for tea, with a cake to follow
But bad news! My tumble dryer is broken!!! :cry::cry::cry

on't know what I'll do without it lol! It just stopped working, made a funny noise and smelt of burning

Hubby's just had a lookie but has no idea, so I'm gonna have to get a man out, hahaha! Better find a nice good looking one, hmmmm!!!!
Kids are now in bed and I'm shattered! Hands are sore as I've done too many dishes today lol!
Thank god it's a DD tomorrow! I bloomin need it, and a trip to the gym is also in order!!!!
Speak to you later peeps! xxx