Hello people! Yes I went awol again, been a VERY hectic few days here! Glad you all popped by, thanks!
Hubby and I been arguing again :cry: but made it up again now
Yes went to the cinema on Friday, saw 2012 and I enjoyed it although was very ott, but then was always going to be! I said before I went there would be a dog lol, always is in those films hahaha!
Saturday was an eventful day, went to a grotto opening at a local store, got soaked!!! Then I went up to the stables in afternoon, was torrential rain on way up there going along dual carriageway. Then right in front of me a girl had an accident as her car aquaplaned, so stopped to see if she was ok and waited with her until the police, firemen and her boyfriend arrived. Luckily she wasn't hurt but was pretty shaken up. So got even wetter standing out in the rain on the side of the road. Then went off to a friends house in the eve for a couple of hours and watched x factor there lol!
Yesterday usual Sunday housework and shopping etc. Just haven't had time to get on here much this past few days, been spending time with hubby instead, awww!
So anyway here's a quick update on my past week. haven't WI this week again, think I might leave it a while actually!
Mon 16th Nov - DD
Tues 17th Nov - MD
Weds 18th Nov - DD
Thurs 19th Nov - UD
Fri 20th Nov - UD (cinema, popcorn and pizza

Sat 21st Nov - DD
Sun 22nd Nov - MD
So today is a DD, will report back later folks