Hello hello girlies! I am back! Well sort of, still have no internet that could be another 2 weeks yet! But I caved in and couldn't be without internet so went and bought a dongle for my laptop! Don't know why I didn't do that earlier, just didn't realise it'd take sky that long to sort out phoneline and then broadband (which I can't order until phoneline is up and running, which will be Tuesday!).
Well house move went really well. Nice and sorted and tidy in teh house mainly because the majority of stuff is stacken in the garage hahaha! I haven't been bothered to get out there and sort through it yet! Think I need to do a car boot sale!!!
Diet has totally gone out of the window since we moved!! So not good, I really must get back into it. Although have found out I could be wheat intolerrant, cut it out last week and then ate something with wheat in sunday and monday and I could tell the difference! Stomach was hurting

So think I'll have to stick to wheat free, which won't do the diet any harm as means I can 't have biscuits, cake, pizza etc etc hahaha! Ideal! Really need to get sorted diet wise tho as I've been so bad lately and I feel guilty as I WAS doing so well
Oh and bad news on teh footie coach front! He's not going to coach the academy for much longer

boo hoo hoo! Somebody else is replacing him so he can concentrate on his own team, I'm gutted! Although that does depend on what his replacement is like haha, could be even nicer!!!
Well I have a lot of catching up to do girlies!!!

Catch you all later!!!