Story thread

Not bloody likely mate that white suit is really tight. Your blue suede shoes are pretty hot though. What you doing here anyway last I heard you and Jack had a big falling out something to do with Jailhouse Rock.
Not bloody likely mate that white suit is really tight. Your blue suede shoes are pretty hot though. What you doing here anyway last I heard you and Jack had a big falling out something to do with Jailhouse Rock.

Out of nowhere a symphony of red and green lasers swept accros the cave, a dense fog apeared and with a blinding flash Gandalf the grey apreared, Raising his staff high above his head he spoke "Elvis get back to the place from where you came",and as he crashed his staff in to the ground he screamed " You Can Not Pass" there was a blinding flash...............
Out of nowhere a symphony of red and green lasers swept accros the cave, a dense fog apeared and with a blinding flash Gandalf the grey apreared, Raising his staff high above his head he spoke "Elvis get back to the place from where you came",and as he crashed his staff in to the ground he screamed " You Can Not Pass" there was a blinding flash...............

...and Elvis, (The one and only King), was suddenly seated at a sparkling white Grand Piano, the familiar notes of "This Time Lord You Gave Me A Mountain To climb", when out of the mist came......
...the dr who was followed by the daleks, they wanted their leader back as the daleks were losing the battle. Elvis reluctantly left with his army....
The dr stayed behind and asked if anyone would like to travel through time and space in his ........
...lacey white pyjamas, the ones he stole from Angela the invisble weight watchers ad star. Unknown to all but a chosen few on his hoem planet Galifrey the doctor had long harboured a secret desire for ladies lingerie, and had taken to time travelling in a brave attempt to kickthe habit. However Angela , who by now was totally fed up with all the abuse she had suffered at the hands of unscruplious advertsing campaigns was in hot pursuit....
of her lacey white pajamas, the docotor dived in to his tardis followed by the darleks, when suddenly..........
he realised it was the wrong police box he lay there looking up at

The Star studded sky reflected through the glass roof of this police box, when suddennly the walls cleared the flor became transparent, the doctor was trapped in a clear glass telephone box.
Suddenly a powerfull search light illuminated the doctor blinding him with light and a voice boomed out "This Is Davina You are Live ON Channel 4 Please DO NOT SWEAR"........

The Star studded sky reflected through the glass roof of this police box, when suddennly the walls cleared the flor became transparent, the doctor was trapped in a clear glass telephone box.
Suddenly a powerfull search light illuminated the doctor blinding him with light and a voice boomed out "This Is Davina You are Live ON Channel 4 Please DO NOT SWEAR"........


Oh B%llocks he said, and Davina fainted.
Big brother therefore evicted the dr who was wearing his lacy white pj`s. He left the house and was then presented with a skoda......for all his efforts whilst being a house mate.
The dr climbed into his new orange skoda to discover.......
It was made of cake

And had a flat battery, The doctor got out of the car, just as a horde of miniminers with the weekend off the diet came round the corner and started to devour the Skoda made of cake, They were just about to start on the doors when the Ketossis fairy apeared in a flash of blinding light and said........

The miniminers fell to the ground, distraught at not being able to eat the cake, suddenly the ground started to shake, the cake started to crumble and lo and behold..........
The miniminers fell to the ground, distraught at not being able to eat the cake, suddenly the ground started to shake, the cake started to crumble and lo and behold..........

In a flash of blinding light, posh spice appeared and started to devour the cake at a great rate
As she wiped the last greasy crumbs from around her mouth, she let out a massive belch, turned around and saw.....
Help me, help me he screamed (in a high pitched girly kinda way) he ran around the corner straight into.....
A Ford Excort, the very one he had so wanted and that he had dreamed about when he was just a lad had miraculously appeared in place of his Ferrari car :eek:
He quickly got in, was relieved to find the keys in the ignition and started it up - Posh was gaining ground on him, so he threw it into gear, took off the brake and........