Thanks LadyB i often get thought of as young, i once said I'm too old for this sh*t at work and the guy who was sitting next to me called keith said, so i said NO i am! he said no your not in a don't be stupid way, and i said no REALLY i am, so he said come on then how old are you? i told him (at the time i was 48) and he spat out f... off!! charming, i thought! no i said I am, he said i would never have put you there, i said NO its coz i am soooooo... we both had a long pause and said childish at the same time. not youthful, or exuberant, or even young looking but CHILDISH... plus all my work friends were in their 20s and 30s so he assumed i was the same age. i often get told i don't look my age, but my mirror says otherwise when i look in it.
Had a nice evening with the youngest we watched a movie together, we were going to do the cinema but there was nothing on we fancied. it was nice spending time with him, he likes it too, i know deep down he is a mummys boy lol.. well they both are. But Mike (the youngest) has always confided in me, things u probably don't usually tell a mum too, we have always had that sort of relationship, the eldest is more guarded tho opened up a bit more in the last few years.
the fasting can be hard sometimes Stef, tonight even though i had kept my chicken breasts back for later i was hungry but i actually could have eaten another 100 calories, i just couldn't think of anything i had that i wanted that would be 100 calories so i had some boulion and tried to forget the tummy rumbles. its only until the morning!
not done all my christmas shopping yet, i have made a good start, but need a little list from the youngest, and eldest is having a wiiu from me and his gf charlotte, so that needs the balance paying off when it gets released. i have bought a few for oh, the only person lacking in goodies is me... (violin starts hauntingly in the background) but i dare say that will chance (or else lol)
i think steve being off all week and being at work today has put me on a restless sort of downer, after our day out at Brighton yesterday and shopping trips in the week etc it was a bit of a boring, rainy day.
night night everyone xx