Success Express

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Confusing lol x
Anything's that free on both plans is classed as superfree, but speed foods are those with extra low energy density :)

Therefore a banana is superfree as it can be eaten as a free food on both red and green days x
Wow confused!! SO, bananas count as Superfree??? They Can be counted on success express plate?!! Extra clarity needed for my small brain! =)
I'm not a fan of the texture of blueberries/raspberries =-/ I may have to just buy strawberries I guess!
Pics got put in wrong order, got fed up of trying to put in right order lol.

So weetabix breakfast with banana, then I had a satsuma after. Lunch was wholemeal roll with one chopped red pepper and lettuce, with a lil box of grapes, apples and 3 sliced kiwis. Dinner was grilled chicken breast, with super noodles, lettuce, spring onion and a roasted green pepper filled with Cous Cous and my healthy A cheese. Then other pic is a sliced pear and an apple - taking it to cinema tonight to keep munchies you inevitably get when everyone is eating popcorn!

I'm very full! Dinner was huge lol. I've had no syns today so far so JOB DONE! =)

Soooo looking forward to my chocolate All Bran tomorrow! =D


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Wow confused!! SO, bananas count as Superfree??? They Can be counted on success express plate?!! Extra clarity needed for my small brain! =)

Yep exactamundo! They are definitely superfree! :D
Yay happy!! No idea why there is stuff from people saying they're not Superfree....!

Had a tiny syn binge tonight, went over by 7 1/2. So gonna be syn-skinny tomorrow ^.^
Today's eats:

Breakfast: no milk!! So put mullerlight with the all bran crunch. Did NOT taste great! Got milk now so looking forward to an actual SE brekkie tomorrow full of fruit too ^.^

Lunch was lettuce, pepper, red onion, ham and cheese and wholemeal roll.

Snacks: banana

Dinner was chilli and rice, put in can of kidney beans, a courgette, a carrot, a green chilli, three onions and a red pepper. Yum! Forgot how much I love chilli, mother in law would never eat it so think ill make a big batch for myself later in the week to freeze =D

It wasn't a great day :( had ben&jerrys frozen yoghurt ( about 8 syns worth) the extra wholemeal was about 8 syns too, and then 4 1/2 syn crisps and 4 peanuts haha. I dunno just felt hungry and out of sorts today. Would prob have been better to have made pasta n sauce and just had an EE day instead of those poorly thought out syns...silly me. Got loads of super noodles and pasta n sauce, never mind! Don't think they'll do too much damage... :p working hard tomorrow now!


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Why am I feeling so food demotivated?!!

Started my day with milk and all bran and banana. I need to kick my butt into gear. Definitely gotta read the newest magazine today and instil some new food enthusiasm!
Why am I feeling so food demotivated?!!

Started my day with milk and all bran and banana. I need to kick my butt into gear. Definitely gotta read the newest magazine today and instil some new food enthusiasm!

I've really enjoyed reading this thread and looking at your pictures. Thank you for sharing. You're doing so well! Fingers crossed for your weigh in.

I am inspired to try it. i imagine you feel very healthy. Has your skin changed? Are you sleeping better? X
Ahh no, thank you for saying that! =) husband says my skin is definitely clearer, less spot prone for sure! Sleep varies, easier to get up in the morning but that might just be the lighter days! :) I feel more motivated and energetic, going for a run isn't a chore for me, I look forward to starting the day with exercise and a good breakfast ;)

I've been trying to do Success Express for two weeks now, quite hard, hardest being my weekend off work, I may not do it on weekends off work anymore as it'd be nice to do extra easy and enjoy more snacks!
I decided to carry on doing it as my losses haven't been good at all. It looks like I'm still faced with no loss this week though =( so I guess I'll just ask for advice at group Tuesday as to how I'm supposed to lose weight! Lol
I'm trying to see it that way too! I wouldn't go back to the way I was eating just because I'm not losing the weight i would like to straight away. If I went back I'd gain so much rather stay the same weight than risk that!

Today's eats :) not including fruit or yoghurt. Not decided how to spend my syns. I fancy chocolate so probably some frozen yoghurt!

Breakfast: Choc Crunch All Bran, a banana and 60ml milk

Lunch: salmon and spinach lasagne with lettuce and peppers

Dinner: noodles with Cajun chicken, baby corn, peppers, mangetout, mixed stir fry veg from freezer, onion and spring onion. Helluva lotta veg eh! Only have 1/3rd of noodles and chicken so rather pleased how much veg is in my dinner!


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I've read success express a few times and I think I understand.

Just one question I would like to clear up:

When eating any syns on SE do I have to take the higher amount? Or is this just for snacks? The first time I read it I read it as only snacks. Then by looking on here it looks like syns in meals too. So if I are something prepared like 1/2 pasta'n'sauce with lots of broccoli and carrots and a big salad then it's free (or low syn) on extra easy. But on success express I have to take the highest syn value of the pasta'n'sauce which is 10? on a red day.

So basically avoid food with a syn in SE meals and only eat 1/3 free and 2/3 super free

Save syns for snacks

Tell me if that's completely wrong.
Or right?

And I'm just guessing the pasta n sauce syns as I don't eat them.
I'm confusing myself lol....

Tomorrow night I am planning to have
2 x Tesco meat free sausages = 3 syns on all plans

I can't have this on success express as it is not a free food. As 1/3 has to be free like chicken/beef/potato
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