Gold Member
woo hoo well done
Are any sugar free sweets allowed then? Ohhh please say. I'll be running to the shops tomorrow
I think I'm Addicted to them,but it's so painful!
I've ordered sugar free chewy mints and wine gums
I'm so excited! X
Triniprinc3ss said:I wanna buy some of the Extra suagrfree gum, American dessert range on Amazon. They look so delicious lol!
Amazon.co.uk: Extra Dessert Delights Apple Pie flavour gum: Grocery
Lol u bad girl I've just ordered some!!
Oh god!!!! X
Triniprinc3ss said:I had too! Lol!
We're going to weigh 2 stone at this rate although I've had 2 today and been ok!!
Well done on your stone btw I've only got 3 lbs to go xx
Too late................I clicked.
They look lovely, yum yum....but so expensive. Might have to wait til nearer my birthday and get some as a present LOL
Waaayyyyyy too tempting.
Resisting temptation....think of the wind LOL.
You lot are hilarious! Why do you have them if they hurt you?! Crazy ladies!
PS I can report that the extra chewing gum in key lime pie is amazeballs. Found it in cyber candy in Covent Garden too, so no delivery charge for any Londoners out there.
PSS A search for aforementioned gum also revealed these intriguing things: Sinfully Dessert Spray No idea what they actually are but am imagining some kind of futuristic spray on dessert with zero cals....