SugarPlum (24st) to TinkerBell (12st)

MalibuStacey said:
Hope you don't mind me joining.

Love the kettlebell, my mum got me a dvd n kettlebell set for my birthday, I agree its an absolute killer, especially on the legs. had trouble getting up and down the stairs first few times I used it.

Unfortunatly as most home excerise things go it got used for a month and then left under the stairs and forgotten about. But I think after reading this I shall have a kettlebell revival :).

I'll let you know how I get on... wish me luck :)

Congrats everyone on the weight losses your all very inspirational.

Malibu xx

Hi Malibu,

Thanks for popping by :)

Definately dust the old kettlebell off.. I really enjoy it. It's probably the only excercise (apart from swimming) that I can say I love!!

Good luck with your WI this week :) x

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MalibuStacey said:
I weighed in this morning and lost 1.5 so very pleased :)

Had a bit of a false start so glad I'm on track now.

Malibu xx

Yeah... Well done!! That's a great loss :) xxx

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DAY 4 of My Angelic Week!!

And I am still an ANGEL!! LOL :innocent0002:


Breakfast - Muller/Banana

Morning Snack - Apple

Lunch - 4 Ryvita (HexB) with Cucumber and Philly Light (HexA) Banana

Afternoon snack - Apple

Dinner - ***New Recipe*** Crusty Cod with a Red Pepper sauce. The bread crumbs are my HexB. Serving with Roasted Veg.

No sins again today - 3 Herbal Teas & Gallons of water consumed!!

Crusty Cod & Pepper Sauce Recipe

4 x 113g/4oz cod steaks
Juice of 2 limes
2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
a few sprigs of parsley, chopped
a pinch of powdered saffron (optional)
1 tsp coriander seeds, crushed
salt and ground black pepper
28g/1oz breadcrumbsFor the Pepper Sauce
2 red peppers
2 garlic cloves
1 tsp balsamic or wine vinegar
salt and ground black pepper

1. Put the cod steaks in an ovenproof dish. Sprinkle the lime juice, chopped coriander and parsley, saffron (if using) and crushed coriander seeds over the top. Season with salt and pepper. Leave in a cool place for at least 1 hour. 2. Put the peppers and garlic on a baking tray and roast in a preheated oven at 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6 for about 15 minutes until the peppers have softened and the skins will peel off. Remove the skins, deseed and puree the peeled peppers and garlic cloves in a food processor or blender. Stir in the vinegar and season to taste. 3. Turn the cod steaks in the marinade so that they are thoroughly coated, and sprinkle them with the breadcrumbs. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6 for about 15 minutes, until the fish is cooled. Serve with the pepper sauce.
Well I had a nightmare with tea!!

I was missing half the ingredients.. Dont know how that happened?!! ( could be something to do with Mr Sugar doing the shopping!) LOL

Anyway, it was late and I had no other Red options available! :-(

So takeaway was the only option. I ordered a Chicken Pitta, No sauce and Salad. I only ate half the Pitta and the rest was just chicken and salad.

So I am hoping It still classes as 100% on plan! :-( I had a HexB left, which I am hoping will cover the half of pitta!

No sins used today... So am I still classed as an ANGEL???

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Definitely still angelic x

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lsf666 said:
Definitely still angelic x

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Awww thank you Lisa :) xxxx

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*SugarPlum* said:
Awww thank you Lisa :) xxxx

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Seriously - a take away could have been devilish so you did well :)

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Crusty Cod - it sounds like trouble, like a nickname for a miserable teacher or work colleague :8855:

Well done on the saintly take-away - hope you're not feeling too deprived with the angelicness :)
LoChan1984 said:
Crusty Cod - it sounds like trouble, like a nickname for a miserable teacher or work colleague :8855:

Well done on the saintly take-away - hope you're not feeling too deprived with the angelicness :)

Morning Lo,

I am not feeling deprived at all, weekend was very hard when I couldn't have my wine!! :-(

I just hope the scales appreciate the hard work on Sat!! I know I can't maintain this level of Angelicness, I just want a bit of a bumper week or two. Then I will be back on more of a normal plan.

I just feel like I haven't moved much in the last month. 1lb here and there and a STS. Just need a boost on the scales I think!

London is only 5 week away! :-(

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Aws :( No sad faces about your London trip - it'll be your anniversary and you and Mr Sugar will have a lovely time no matter what you weigh :bighug:

I can understand the frustration though - for now keep up your iron willpower this week and if it still doesn't get you the result you want, have a punch at a pillow or something if you've got some aggression to get rid of (don't kick the scales, you might break your foot :p, don't kick your hubby, he's taking you to London ;)) then we'll all have a think what could be a good idea to try next :)

I think when I lost 6lbs a few weeks back I'd done three slamman sessions which was pure upper body boxing/cardio and the rest of the week was just yoga or walking. Maybe when you're done on the kettleworx 6-week course you could intersperse some purely cardio workouts in with the weight-training which might give you a boost x
Hi sweetie,
:fingerscrossed: for a really good week this weekend, sure you will have a fab one with your angelicness ....I keep jumbling everything up and it seems to work on the whole, different exercise, different amounts of food each meal and so on and even different amounts of water each day, the 2 weeks I did that I lost 6.5lbs and 4lbs (3 weeks ago and this week), so looks like it works ....but I try not to do it every week, don't want my body getting used to it like everything else.
Where are you going to in London (my neck of the woods)?
Hope you're having a fab day hun, catch ya later xxxx
Lily42uk said:
Hi sweetie,
:fingerscrossed: for a really good week this weekend, sure you will have a fab one with your angelicness ....I keep jumbling everything up and it seems to work on the whole, different exercise, different amounts of food each meal and so on and even different amounts of water each day, the 2 weeks I did that I lost 6.5lbs and 4lbs (3 weeks ago and this week), so looks like it works ....but I try not to do it every week, don't want my body getting used to it like everything else.
Where are you going to in London (my neck of the woods)?
Hope you're having a fab day hun, catch ya later xxxx

Lily42uk said:
Hi sweetie,
:fingerscrossed: for a really good week this weekend, sure you will have a fab one with your angelicness ....I keep jumbling everything up and it seems to work on the whole, different exercise, different amounts of food each meal and so on and even different amounts of water each day, the 2 weeks I did that I lost 6.5lbs and 4lbs (3 weeks ago and this week), so looks like it works ....but I try not to do it every week, don't want my body getting used to it like everything else.
Where are you going to in London (my neck of the woods)?
Hope you're having a fab day hun, catch ya later xxxx

Hi Lily,

I really hope I have a good loss, I am desperate for a Booster week! :-(

I will definately try mixing things up more!

I am off to London in Nov, Hubby has booked Phantom and Claridges (OMG!!) for our wedding anniversary. :)

I am going in 6 weeks, which is why I am desperatly trying for some booster weeks.

I think it's Harrow where we are saying, we are driving down, then catching the tube in daily! I can't wait to see all the sights!! :)

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Tough day at work today!! :-(

One of my staff brought in a TON of biscuits and cakes.... I didn't have a single one!! It was Soooooo hard to resist!! But I did!!! :)

One of the lads went and bought me a special punnet if Strawberries, which I thought was very sweet!! :)


Breakfast- strawberries, bananna and muller light

Morning snack- strawberries & apple

Lunch- 4 ryvita (hexB) with Philly light (hexa) and cucumber

Afternoon snack- strawberries and banana

Dinner- chicken Fahitas (without the wraps!) So a chicken breast with stir fried onion & peppers! Lol

Evening snack - 3 ryvitas (hexB) with 2 tablespoon of Jam! Craving something sweet!!!!

I am struggling to get on my sins online, does anyone know how many sins are in a tablespoon of normal jam (no reduced sugar in the house).

I have had no sins today, so I am sure I won't have damaged my plan.

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Hi Lily,

I really hope I have a good loss, I am desperate for a Booster week! :-(

I will definately try mixing things up more!

I am off to London in Nov, Hubby has booked Phantom and Claridges (OMG!!) for our wedding anniversary. :)

I am going in 6 weeks, which is why I am desperatly trying for some booster weeks.

I think it's Harrow where we are saying, we are driving down, then catching the tube in daily! I can't wait to see all the sights!! :)

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OMG PLEASE ...I live in Harrow or as we locals like to call it Arrow on the Ill :8855:
I saw the Phantom in 1997, was my xmas pressie from hubby, it was amazing, I want to go back and see it again as you don't get to really see it all first time, there is just too much going on, but definitely my bestest most favourite show of all so far.
PM me and let me know where you are staying I will see if I know it and can tell you what it's like xxxx
Lily42uk said:
OMG PLEASE ...I live in Harrow or as we locals like to call it Arrow on the Ill :8855:
I saw the Phantom in 1997, was my xmas pressie from hubby, it was amazing, I want to go back and see it again as you don't get to really see it all first time, there is just too much going on, but definitely my bestest most favourite show of all so far.
PM me and let me know where you are staying I will see if I know it and can tell you what it's like xxxx

Wow... What a small world!! We picked Harrow as it is 3 hrs drive from us and we can park our car without silly expense of London prices.

We are Just staying at the premier inn, right next to the train/tube station. It was very reasonable, only a short tube ride into London. Gives us more pennies to spend in London. :)

I can't wait to see Phantom, I have wanted to see it since I was 17 but have refused to see it anywhere but London!

You will have to recommend some nice places to eat. :) xxx

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Is that the one on Kenton Road, attached to the beefeater pub?
Haven't actually been there in years but it used to be really nice, I used to go there quite a bit, a little known fact is that just a very short time ago ...probably less than 6 months ago Peter Andre stopped there and ate in the restaurant too, so I guess if it's good enough for him.....I Live about a mile from there...very small world.
I'm not really an eating out person but my brother is ...I will ask him what he suggests, although about half a mile from where you are staying is one of the best Chinese restaurants I have ever been to, called Tian Hu, really fab if you like Chinese and nothing is ever too much trouble for them, will get back to you on the eating out places, my brother does a lot of entertaining (big business man ) and knows where the best places and best deals to be had are, both locally and in London
I agree you can't see the Phatom anywhere other than London it's where it began xx
Lily42uk said:
Is that the one on Kenton Road, attached to the beefeater pub?
Haven't actually been there in years but it used to be really nice, I used to go there quite a bit, a little known fact is that just a very short time ago ...probably less than 6 months ago Peter Andre stopped there and ate in the restaurant too, so I guess if it's good enough for him.....I Live about a mile from there...very small world.
I'm not really an eating out person but my brother is ...I will ask him what he suggests, although about half a mile from where you are staying is one of the best Chinese restaurants I have ever been to, called Tian Hu, really fab if you like Chinese and nothing is ever too much trouble for them, will get back to you on the eating out places, my brother does a lot of entertaining (big business man ) and knows where the best places and best deals to be had are, both locally and in London
I agree you can't see the Phatom anywhere other than London it's where it began xx

Awww Lily,

It is the one attached to a pub! :)

It looks really nice, to be honest when it's somewhere to just crash at night, I think the Premier Inns are Fab!

We are going to be in London from early morning till evening. So going to spend very little time in the room.

The Chinese sounds Yum! :)

Any recommendations from your brother will be greatly appreciated, especially in London, I won't know were to start!

Soooo excited?!

Now is it possible to loose another stone in 5 week???? Lol :) xxx

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I'll have to jog my memory for the names of the restaurants that my Son went to during his recent stays up in London :)