SugarPlum (24st) to TinkerBell (12st)

Welshtigger said:
Well I tried and failed at kettleworx!!! :( I think I need the introduction DVD to understand his terminology like planks and mermaids and shizzle! And he goes so fast!!! Hope you're ok xx

Have just looked online and discovered that the level DVD I've been given is the advanced! So not surprised I'm lost!!! Will have to wait til I can afford the whole set :( xx
Welshtigger said:
Have just looked online and discovered that the level DVD I've been given is the advanced! So not surprised I'm lost!!! Will have to wait til I can afford the whole set :( xx

I did think that Hunny. It's best to start with the 6 week course as it advances each week.

I haven't looked as the advanced ones yet, the ones I do are still killing me! Lol

Hope your having a good week Hun? Xxx

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*SugarPlum* said:
I did think that Hunny. It's best to start with the 6 week course as it advances each week.

I haven't looked as the advanced ones yet, the ones I do are still killing me! Lol

Hope your having a good week Hun? Xxx

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I checked with Kron, who seems to be the kettleworx oracle and she said I'd be fine to start with just core, but that was before I discovered it was the level 2!! Have to keep saving the pennies I guess :) and selling more stuff on eBay x
Welshtigger said:
I checked with Kron, who seems to be the kettleworx oracle and she said I'd be fine to start with just core, but that was before I discovered it was the level 2!! Have to keep saving the pennies I guess :) and selling more stuff on eBay x

She is Fab and does know everything about KettleWorx. It's reading her thread that got be started.

The core disk is a killer on the starter set, so god knows what level 2 was like! Lol xx

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shattered just reading about it :8855: I did walking, walking and more walking but its a start and why I haven't joined the exercise thread :8855: afraid Tilly and I are twins on our thoughts on exercise.

Hows you Sugar? Sorry I am quiet I am so behind on diaries at the moment and trying to catch up... fingers crossed for your weigh in on Saturday and not long until your trip to London :D xxxxx
JackieN said:
shattered just reading about it :8855: I did walking, walking and more walking but its a start and why I haven't joined the exercise thread :8855: afraid Tilly and I are twins on our thoughts on exercise.

Hows you Sugar? Sorry I am quiet I am so behind on diaries at the moment and trying to catch up... fingers crossed for your weigh in on Saturday and not long until your trip to London :D xxxxx

Hi Jackie,

I know the feeling of trying to keep up on diarys. The more wonderful people you meet, the harder it gets! Lol

Not that I am complaining! :)

Hope you are having a good week Hunny :) xxx

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JackieN said:
I meant to ask you, will your lovely new coat fit?? did it arrive okay?

Yep there are some amazing people on here fab site, I struggle to keep up big time at the moment thoughxxxxx

My coat never arrived :-( they are still waiting for it to come into stock. They think another 4 week.. I go in 5 week!! :-( x

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Morning :)

Just doing the rounds as I woke up before my alarm today.

Have a great day x

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I am soooo sore!!!

Who needs KettleWorx??!! Just completed a 7 hour Clean-a-thon!!!

My house is Gleaning from top to toe! Just had a lovely Bubbly bath, finally getting settled with all my scented candles! BLISS!!

Down side... I haven't ate a thing all day!! :-(

Tea is Mr Sugars Home made, sin free, Chicken Curry!!


WI day tomorrow!! Eeeek!!!

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lsf666 said:
Omg go eat something. Please x

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I will be having Hubbys lovely Chicken Curry very soon.

I was just soooo into my cleaning, I forgot to eat!

Been drinking lots of water though! :)

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*SugarPlum* said:
I will be having Hubbys lovely Chicken Curry very soon.

I was just soooo into my cleaning, I forgot to eat!

Been drinking lots of water though! :)

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Oh good :).

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Tough day at work today!! :-(

One of my staff brought in a TON of biscuits and cakes.... I didn't have a single one!! It was Soooooo hard to resist!! But I did!!! :)

One of the lads went and bought me a special punnet if Strawberries, which I thought was very sweet!! :)


Breakfast- strawberries, bananna and muller light

Morning snack- strawberries & apple

Lunch- 4 ryvita (hexB) with Philly light (hexa) and cucumber

Afternoon snack- strawberries and banana

Dinner- chicken Fahitas (without the wraps!) So a chicken breast with stir fried onion & peppers! Lol

Evening snack - 3 ryvitas (hexB) with 2 tablespoon of Jam! Craving something sweet!!!!

I am struggling to get on my sins online, does anyone know how many sins are in a tablespoon of normal jam (no reduced sugar in the house).

I have had no sins today, so I am sure I won't have damaged my plan.

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How very considerate, bless him! :D

OMG PLEASE ...I live in Harrow or as we locals like to call it Arrow on the Ill :8855:
I saw the Phantom in 1997, was my xmas pressie from hubby, it was amazing, I want to go back and see it again as you don't get to really see it all first time, there is just too much going on, but definitely my bestest most favourite show of all so far.
PM me and let me know where you are staying I will see if I know it and can tell you what it's like xxxx

I stayed in Knightsbridge round the corner from Harrods - I is well posh innit :D

Ah well, I can dream about the posh area when I visit London next time, probably have to doss down in a cardboard box - I'm a bit skint this year :8855:

Awww Lily,

It is the one attached to a pub! :)

It looks really nice, to be honest when it's somewhere to just crash at night, I think the Premier Inns are Fab!

We are going to be in London from early morning till evening. So going to spend very little time in the room.

The Chinese sounds Yum! :)

Any recommendations from your brother will be greatly appreciated, especially in London, I won't know were to start!

Soooo excited?!

Now is it possible to loose another stone in 5 week???? Lol :) xxx

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1st in 5 weeks would be a bit of a challenge lol Hope you get a brilliant loss tomorrow to get you started :)

Well I tried and failed at kettleworx!!! :( I think I need the introduction DVD to understand his terminology like planks and mermaids and shizzle! And he goes so fast!!! Hope you're ok xx

Do share when you find out what a 'shizzle' is... sounds painful!​

My coat never arrived :-( they are still waiting for it to come into stock. They think another 4 week.. I go in 5 week!! :-( x

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Tsch! Complain and they should give you a discount on your next order or something... hate it when they do that with my stuff :(

I will be having Hubbys lovely Chicken Curry very soon.

I was just soooo into my cleaning, I forgot to eat!

Been drinking lots of water though! :)

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:eek: Cleaning is dangerous! Don't take it up as an occupation, you'll be wasted away to nothing :8855:
WI Day!!!

Drum Roll.........

4lb off!!! :wee::wee::wee::wee:

My 'Angelic' Week worked!!!

There has been a few things I have done differently...

1. Not had Makeral every day for Lunch! LOL

2. I did'nt have my Red Wine last weekend.

3. I did'nt have any bread, I used my HexB for things like Ryvitas

4. I drank 2/3 herbal teas each day & only llowed myself 1 cup of coffee a day.

5. I only had 1 or 2 EE days, all the rest were Red.

6. I ensured I ate regularly through the day. 9am / 11am / 1pm / 3pm / 7pm

Not sure which of the above made a difference or if it was a combination of a few things! One thing for sure it worked!! :party0011::party0011::party0011:

So I am now commencing 'Angelic' week no2!! LOL

I would love to loose 3lb next week, that would give me my 2 1/2 Shiny!! :D

London is 4 week away and I want by 3 stone Shiny before I go! Its gonna be tough but I am up for the challenge!!!
I know I have already said it on the Curv-a-licious thread, but this is your personal diary so :woohoo: wtg Sugar, amazing loss you're a star and you'll blow that next 8lb out of the water, in 4 weeks it's a synch :winner: xxxxxxxxx