SugarPlum (24st) to TinkerBell (12st)

Auburn said:
Hello :)
Hope you don't mind me popping in!
The book says you can have 142g of peas as a HxB on Red, or 71g as a Speed serving, if that makes sense..?!


Love your menus, and inspired by your losses. Keep it up!!! :D

Hi Auburn,

Your welcome to pop in anytime :)

I need to start getting a few new recipes under my belt, Slimming Eats is a fab site to find new recipes :) xxx

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ginlin said:
Morning Sugar,
You can use 142g of peas boiled, as a HExB on Red, or just 71g as a superspeed HExB

Thanks Lin,

I think I will use it as a HexB, I love peas in my cottage pie :) xx

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Morning Sugar, hope you're having a fab day ...I tried the kettleworx workout, dropped the kettlebell on my foot, broke the bone in the side of my foot, was sore for weeks and never went back to it ...might be time to get it back out and try again lol xx
Morning Sugar, hope you're having a fab day ...I tried the kettleworx workout, dropped the kettlebell on my foot, broke the bone in the side of my foot, was sore for weeks and never went back to it ...might be time to get it back out and try again lol xx

*winces* you dropped that one from your weights pic on your foot?! :eek::eek: Jaysus that must of hurt, it's a monster!
Morning Sugar, hope you're having a fab day ...I tried the kettleworx workout, dropped the kettlebell on my foot, broke the bone in the side of my foot, was sore for weeks and never went back to it ...might be time to get it back out and try again lol xx


I'm so sorry but I can't stop laughing :8855:

I knew exercise was bad for you ;)
Lily42uk said:
Morning Sugar, hope you're having a fab day ...I tried the kettleworx workout, dropped the kettlebell on my foot, broke the bone in the side of my foot, was sore for weeks and never went back to it ...might be time to get it back out and try again lol xx

Ouch!!! I bet that was VERY painful!!

I love the 6 week exercise plan, really noticing difference on my inches.

I have taken 'before' pics, I am brave enough I want to take pics after the 6 weeks, I may post! (SCARY THOUGHT!!!)

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tillymax said:
Well done on your loss Sugar.

The pulled pork sounds good so I'll add that to my list of recipes to try :)

You're doing great with the kettleworx. The key to exercise must be to find one that you really enjoy. I haven't found mine yet but I haven't been looking too much :8855:

Thank you Tilly,

The pork was Fab!! I would recommend it!! I would also recommend the Ketleworx, not quite as enjoyable as the pork!! ;-) lol xxx

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Mmmmm... My sin free Shepherds Pie is in the oven and smells YUuuuuuuMmmmY! :)

It has a Carrot & Turnip Mash on top, with Cabbage & Brussels!! Loads of Veg!!! :)

I am looking for a Booster Challenge for next week! I have tried the Speed Soup, with not alot of success! :-( I really don't fancy the Scan Bran one!!

Has anyone tried a Booster Plan, were you have seen a real difference in your Weight Loss??? :) xxxx

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I know there are lots in my group that eat at every meal 2/3rds superfree instead of the 1/3, but looking at your recent meals, you probably do that;)
ginlin said:
I know there are lots in my group that eat at every meal 2/3rds superfree instead of the 1/3, but looking at your recent meals, you probably do that;)

I think the first thing I need to do is cut out the wine at weekend! :-(

It was ok in the early days but I can't get away with it any more! Lol

I do eat an awful lot of veg though. :)

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I think the first thing I need to do is cut out the wine at weekend! :-(

It was ok in the early days but I can't get away with it any more! Lol

I do eat an awful lot of veg though. :)

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The wine at the weekend is an option, but then it depends on how much you want to 'deprive' yourself to get to your target.
Personally, and as can be seen from my food diary, I like to 'live' and enjoy my wine, and think that if it is going to be a long term plan, then it needs to fit in with how you want to 'live' your life ;)
I think the first thing I need to do is cut out the wine at weekend! :-(

It was ok in the early days but I can't get away with it any more! Lol

I do eat an awful lot of veg though. :)

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Oof, you don't want to cut every synful pleasure out - you'll lose your marbles :eek:

I don't see why you can't get away with it, as you say you're losing lots of inches so what you're doing now is getting the job done. Don't be too hard on y'self chick :)

You never know, this scan bran week might have a shocking result that'll tempt you over to giving it a try lol I doubt it, I can't stop scale-hopping and I wouldn't be surprised of a STS for me this week :sigh:
A very predicatable Green Day for me today! :-(

I really rushed planning my meals and I am unhappy at how many EE & Green days I have put in!

I am having a meal planning night tonight, my challenge for next week is to try a different meal everyday.

I also intend cutting out alcohol for the week and trying some herbal teas! (I can feel the devil on my shoulder getting ready for a good battle next week!!!) lol

Mid week Scale hope is showing +1 so at this rate I will be lucky to stay the same this week! So I definately need a plan of action to make it up next week!!

So today's (typical-non adventurous) Green Day

Breakfast- Banana & muller light

Morning snack- Apple

Lunch- beans on toast (anyone would think I am on a Green day!!!)

Afternoon snack-banana & peach

Dinner- jacket Potatoe and beans (green day you say??!! ) LOL

I know there are such nice things I could be having on a Green day and I go for good olde beans!!!!!

Note to self.... Must take time out to plan meals for next week!!!!

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Hi SugarPlum, just thought I'd send you a little note and congratulate you on how well you are doing both with the weight loss and with the kettleworks :party0011: Don't deprive yourself to much or be too hard on yourself regarding the wine we all have to have some treats on our dieting journey and as long as you count the syns then no problem. Reading through your diary you go quite a few days with no syns at all so enjoying a glass of wine at the weekend should make not a jot of difference to your weight loss (unless you have 2 or 3 bottles) :party0036:
I think one of the previous comments on your diary was very true and that is that we have to enjoy what we eat and also be able to feel as though we are living. This weight loss journey for most of us is a long treck it's not a quick fix because we need to lose a few lb's to get into a bikini (I wish). So what we do now has to be the way we continue to live so that some point in the future that may be us in the bikini lol :8855:
I have now been dieting for 10 weeks and have lost a total of 10.5 lb which has been incredibly slow to come off and also psychologically quite disheartening when you see people losing 7lb in one week or getting their 1 stone shiny in just three. I feel that I should have lost 7 stone by now and in reality I haven't yet lost one. But due to health issues (heart playing silly begger) I have no choice, or rather I do, I carry on eating unhealthy fattening foods or I do something about it, I have chosen to do something so now my goal is just to lose weight each week. I don't care how much as long as it's a loss and if I can manage to lose a lb a week between now and Xmas then I will be a whole stone lighter as everyone reading this will also be.
So hitch up your knickers, stop being hard on yourself remember how amazing each and everyone of us is and look forward with meal plans and the occasional glass of wine in hand.

End of lecture (not so short) but just making up for the amount of time I missed commenting on your diary. Have a good day and get meal planning so that you have something more exciting things to eat than beans :crazy:

Kietha x
I agree with MumofB - this is a lifestyle change and so its healthier for the weight to come of slowly. Hopefully this also means it will stay off!!! :)
mumofb said:
Hi SugarPlum, just thought I'd send you a little note and congratulate you on how well you are doing both with the weight loss and with the kettleworks :party0011: Don't deprive yourself to much or be too hard on yourself regarding the wine we all have to have some treats on our dieting journey and as long as you count the syns then no problem. Reading through your diary you go quite a few days with no syns at all so enjoying a glass of wine at the weekend should make not a jot of difference to your weight loss (unless you have 2 or 3 bottles) :party0036:
I think one of the previous comments on your diary was very true and that is that we have to enjoy what we eat and also be able to feel as though we are living. This weight loss journey for most of us is a long treck it's not a quick fix because we need to lose a few lb's to get into a bikini (I wish). So what we do now has to be the way we continue to live so that some point in the future that may be us in the bikini lol :8855:
I have now been dieting for 10 weeks and have lost a total of 10.5 lb which has been incredibly slow to come off and also psychologically quite disheartening when you see people losing 7lb in one week or getting their 1 stone shiny in just three. I feel that I should have lost 7 stone by now and in reality I haven't yet lost one. But due to health issues (heart playing silly begger) I have no choice, or rather I do, I carry on eating unhealthy fattening foods or I do something about it, I have chosen to do something so now my goal is just to lose weight each week. I don't care how much as long as it's a loss and if I can manage to lose a lb a week between now and Xmas then I will be a whole stone lighter as everyone reading this will also be.
So hitch up your knickers, stop being hard on yourself remember how amazing each and everyone of us is and look forward with meal plans and the occasional glass of wine in hand.

End of lecture (not so short) but just making up for the amount of time I missed commenting on your diary. Have a good day and get meal planning so that you have something more exciting things to eat than beans :crazy:

Kietha x

Hi Keitha,

Thanks for coming and giving me a little preverbal kick up the bum.

You are right about the wine and sins, my job is so stressful, I need my wine at the end of the week.

Like you said, its not just a couple of pound i need to loose... It's a little baby elephant!! (& maybe not so little nor a baby.. a great Heffalump worth of Elephant!!) lol :)

I am looking forward to planning a week of new meals, whilst I am sipping my Red Wine!! ;-)

I hope you are ok? Are you able to swim? That can be a relaxing exercise or have you been told no excercise at all??

A pound a week adds up over the months and is certainly better than putting on potentially 2lb a week!!

Hope you have a good WI this week Hunny :) xxxxx

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lsf666 said:
I agree with MumofB - this is a lifestyle change and so its healthier for the weight to come of slowly. Hopefully this also means it will stay off!!! :)

Very very true...

If we only had a couple of pounds to loose I would be doing something silly like Slim Fast. This is about changing our lives.

I already think my life has dramatically changed! I think about every choice I make before I eat the food!

Every now and then, I make the wrong choices or I choose to make the wrong choice because I want a treat. Before I would never stop and think... Even if I was making myself sick with Too much chocolate.

I want to be a different person by November next year and that's another whole year off! I would rather stick to the plan for the whole year, than do AMAZING for 3 months but fall off!! :)

Thank you ladies xx

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I think I have just had a near death experience....

KettleWorx Week 3 resistance!!! OMG!!!


But it's ok... I have my lovely Beans & Jacket to look forward too!! :-(

Role on the meal planning!!! :) lol xxx

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