Happy Wedneday everyone

- half way through the week.
How is everyone doing today?
Well done on those losses Busy and Sas, and for STS Ange- considering the week you've had thats an amazing result, be proud of yourself for staying strong hun.
Misteeq, what an active day - go girl

. a great loss from you on the way I am sure.
how is everyone else feeling they're getting on? I must admit I am still strong and motivated, did have 2 large glasses of wine last night but hoping I can claw it back a little. Basically (without too much info), TOTM has finally arrived which marks the 21 day countdown to our treatment starting again so for me - no caffiene, no alcohol, stupid amounts of supplements, and no artificial sweeteners. The sweetners bit worries me actually because it means no diet drinks, no 'sugar free' things etc etc etc, I am going to have to stay so alert I think and hope I can work my way around it ok.
Well, an absolute nightmare of a morning in work, supposed to be preparing success rate reports buth aven't been able to stay at my desk for more than 5 mins without someone interuppting me or calling me away. We are having a Royal visit on 13th Feb so everyone is in 'headless chicken' mode!
Twinny - how are you feeling today? You must be so tired working all these hours.
Just out of interest, what does everyone do for a living? I am a Quality Coordinator / Administrator for an Apprenticeship provider.
Speak to you all later
