Well done Syren, another fab loss!
Thanks Letty & Syren. I know my loss so far has been pretty good, Looking at the big picture I'm down 28lbs in 13 weeks, looking at the little picture 22lbs of that was lost in 8 weeks!
Had some biscuits today...not had ANY in 13 weeks so have really enjoyed them and I can still pull off coming in under 1200 if I want to but I think I am going to have a couple of days at the higher calories, make them cleaner calories from now tho lol. Not taken my measurements this week, clothes dont feel any different tho so I doubt it.
I don't think pulmonary rehab will have contributed to not losing, its only an hour mixed exercise and an hours "chat" - some plum voiced patient tends to take up most of this time asking the same questions every Tuesday and Friday because we have a different specialist come in each time so he thinks he'll get different answers. If I hear the same questions again on Tuesday I think I'll shove his plums in his gob to shut him up! I'm not violent, honestly but he is beginning to wind me up big time, perhaps I should find a rant thread and get it out my system lol! But back to my slowed and stalled weight loss, may be I have hit an early plateau, I'll mix it up a bit, worked for me before so I'll try it again, be nice to get a good loss just before Christmas or I can see me having chicken breast with salad for christmas dinner!
Talking of which what is everyones plans for christmas fayre? I only plan on having the one day off, Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and then straight back on plan. Just gotta steer clear of the quality street and cheese and pickles!