Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

Aaaargh I'm hungry!!! I shouldn't be, I'm in ketosis, have had 3 litres of water and only had my last pack half an hour ago. My stomach is rumbling :( boo!! More water for me, going to drown this hungry feeling :p
Only way to go! I've had 4 litres today 2 1.5l and a pint, plus the coffees I've had!
Good god I'm still wide awake, no sign of sleep yet. I always conveniently forget that this happens to me during the first week of CD. Got a couple of days of insomnia to look forward to :(
At least you've the ketosis energy buzz to see you through! I'm just tired lol too many early get ups!
I woke up starving, I've had my bar and I'm still hungry now, what's going on? My ketostix are purple this morning but still hungry :( I've already had 500ml of water this morning and an enormous cup of tea which is about another 400ml. Grrr hope this doesn't continue!! :( my stomach is actually rumbling loudly other people can hear it!!
Ah...I wanted this for our wedding song. There is an amazing live acoustic version...but Scott wasn't as keen.
I hope ketosis starts doing it's job for you soon! I am so unlucky as even when in full blown ketosis I still feel every full on hunger pang. I know many say its in the head or thirst...but for me nope :( Its full on, tummy hurting hunger! Bah!

Apart from that I hope your day is going well lol! xx
Day has been fine considering I've had very little sleep!! I'm pig sick of this horrible hungry feeling. Like you SR it's real, my stomach is growling, sometimes loud enough for people to hear it, embarrassing when even my patients comment on it :eel: I hope it passes but I suspect it's something I'll have to get used to, but I don't remember it from last time.

Anyway I'm off to do Shred before I get too comfy on the sofa!! Oh and had some good news my cousin has had a baby girl, she's got a lovely name, Summer, unlike the Beckhams with their weird choice of Harper Seven.... Just plain odd!!! :D
Oh how lovely a new baby! Congrats to all! Every time I see the name Harper Seven I want to say "half past seven"!

I was thinking earlier and wondered if dipping in and out of vlcd can cause ketosis not to have the same effect of the non hunger thing? Hmm but saying that when I was 100% TS on exante it was my first ever vlcd and man o man I could of eaten my way through a rubbish bin given half the chance lol! I'm doing a WS version of exante now because then I know I have a "little" something to look forward to but to be honest I always end up wanting more! Can't win!

Wow aren't I the doom and gloom brigade?! :( I hope that the hunger settles down for you and its just your tummy being extra vocal in protesting and shuts up when it realises your not going to give in! x
SummerRain said:
Oh how lovely a new baby! Congrats to all! Every time I see the name Harper Seven I want to say "half past seven"!

I think that too lol. One of the girls at work keeps calling her Half-Past-Seven and got to the point where she couldn't remember what she was really called!
Ah...I wanted this for our wedding song. There is an amazing live acoustic version...but Scott wasn't as keen.

if i had my time again i'd go for a fast dance. i would have 'thing called love'
I'm not impressed with these hunger pangs :( I'd love to feel the benefits of ketosis instead of the insomnia and psychotic amounts of energy. I've even been taking my 5-htp in an effort to curb the hunger. There's only so much water I can drink (over 4 litres today).

I thought about doing SS+ to try and stop it but I think it's the path to destruction for me, I'll stick with SS, it worked the first time!! I just need to ride it out!!!
Hey luv, glad to hear you're back on it. I'm starting again tomorrow .... onwards and downwards ... xx
lipsyx said:
Hows it going now surfhunny? I had a read through your blog, you sound like you are trying so hard, well done x

At the moment I'm doing fine Lipsy thank you, I seem to have found some determination from somewhere :) at long last!!
juju_doll said:
Hey luv, glad to hear you're back on it. I'm starting again tomorrow .... onwards and downwards ... xx

Good luck with day 1 hun, you know where I am if you need me xxx
I've been thinking today about the situation we find ourselves in here on Minimins. We've all got our varying reasons for being overweight, but every book I've read on the subject, every tv programme about large people seem to want to blame fatness on emotional eating.... More specifically something horrible that happened at some point in life that large people squashed and blocked out with food.

I know this might be true for some people but is this generalisation true for all of us? I've wracked my brains to see if I could come up with some traumatic event and I can't. I had the best childhood anyone could ask for, freedom and the great outdoors, before political correctness and health and safety stopped kids from having fun. My teens were average, normal problems a teen suffers, no bullying or anything like that.

All I can think of is when I went to uni I piled on weight in first year because I lived in catered accommodation and I drank lots too. I also stopped all my sporting activities. That's why I put on weight, nothing sinister, no repression.

The trouble is all the help books focus on facing your past demons so you can move ahead and lose weight. I haven't got these demons, does that mean I can't lose weight and keep it off forever?? No one offers to help people who became fat because they were greedy and lazy (which is/was/is me).

The other thing I've thinking is that the weight isn't shifting fast enough for my liking at the moment. I know I know, I'm only a week in but I'm impatient. If only it came off as fast as it goes on :(

Sorry for this epic post, I needed to get my head clear.
hi sally

i think for me it's now one event from my past..... these days it's more single events that cause me trouble and i get upset and then munch to comfort myself. i think as a child i used food as a way of comfort. i did have an event, i was bullied for being overweight. i was an average child until i started school and i suddenly ballooned. i have pictures of me as 'normal' one mine then huge the next. for me i think something stopped working in my body and that was it. the result was being fat and that in itself is an emotional issue.