Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

I want Pumpkin Pie!!! Mel do you have a recipe for it? I absolutely love it, and I also miss my pumpkin spiced lattés :( boo!

I do. Can you get canned pumpkin?

never had one of those before! did have pumpkin ice-cream though and that was nice :)

Starbucks does them, don't they. I have Pumpkin Spice and Gingerbread Spice tea (Celestial Seasonings is one maker), and Pumpkin International Instant Coffee, too.

The K-Cup site I ordered from was out of the Pumpkin Kreuig K-Cups!

I noticed that the Comissary (base grocery store) had Pumpkin Flavoured eggnog. I am not a eggnog person, but it was interesting. I have already bought two types of Soya eggnog for DS.

Hope your weigh in is amazing! You should loose loads just for determination alone!


Ha ha if determination was lbs I'd be 10st by now :)

No Kidding! Good luck.

we can't get canned pumpkin here. there are none left in the shops either. it's a 'for halloween' only type of thing! :(

did managed to get a can from ebay. it's still in the cupboard from 2 years ago. it's probably bin fodder by now!

you can't get the pumpkin lattes here. gingerbread ones, eggnog (i think still), creme brulee and black forest thing i think.
here's our list....

Nothing signals the arrival of the Christmas season more than coffee drinkers sipping from the Starbucks red cup. The cups have been appearing in stores every Christmas since Starbucks first came to the UK in 1998.

But what goes in the cup? Every year customers get really excited about the return of Gingerbread, Eggnog and Toffeenut lattes that they start asking about it on Facebook in July. We thought it would be fun to look at the origins of these Christmas traditions and share some of the stories behind the drinks with you.


Gingerbread first arrived in Europe in 992 brought in by an Armenian monk! During the 13th century it was brought to Sweden. There are even records to show that Swedish nuns were baking gingerbread to ease indigestion in 1444. By the 16th century gingerbread biscuits were being sold in markets and by the 18th century it was widely available in the UK.

With gingerbread firmly rooted in the hearts and stomachs of the UK the Gingerbread Latte made IT’S first appearance at Starbucks in 1998.


It is thought that eggnog began in medieval times and that the tradition started in Europe as a variation of the milk and wine punches served at social gatherings. In the 17th century, eggnog was often used as a toast to health and was drunk by the wealthy in society as milk and eggs were a scarce luxury.

Starbucks introduced eggnog to it’s Christmas line up in 2000, and although it is served without alcohol it has gone on to become the Red Cup exclusive with the most passionate fan base.


The use of molasses, or treacle in the UK began in the 1660s, when it was first used to make gingerbread. Toffee emerged soon after. But treacle was considered medicinal at the time and therefore very expensive, limiting the spread of toffee as a dessert or snack food. The term "toffee" did not appear in print until 1825. Toffee as confectionary developed in northern England in the 1800’s and became more popular than candied fruits which were widely eaten around this time.

Toffee Nut joined the Starbucks Christmas line up in 2005 and has gone on to delight customer’s year on year since then.

And this year we welcome a new addition... Praline Mocha

This year there is a new addition to the Christmas line up – we present to you the Praline Mocha. This truly delicious blend of warm bittersweet chocolate infused with hazelnut, combined with espresso and steamed milk, finished with whipped cream and drizzled with mocha sauce will be something everyone wants in their red cup!
Morning Nikki!

we can't get canned pumpkin here. there are none left in the shops either. it's a 'for halloween' only type of thing! :(

did managed to get a can from ebay. it's still in the cupboard from 2 years ago. it's probably bin fodder by now!

No, it should be fine. Canned goods last forever. You'll know when you open it. Isn't there a pie recipe on the can?

you can't get the pumpkin lattes here. gingerbread ones, eggnog (i think still), creme brulee and black forest thing i think.

here's our list....

Nothing signals the arrival of the Christmas season more than coffee drinkers sipping from the Starbucks red cup. The cups have been appearing in stores every Christmas since Starbucks first came to the UK in 1998.

A new holiday tradition! I need to see if the Starbucks on base is using red cups!

I hope you have a good Sunday, Nikki.
Yesterday was an absolute wash out. I came home from work and went straight to bed. Woke up at about 1:30pm with a headache that progressed to a migraine from hell. I rarely get them but this was awful :( I had no painkillers at all in the house other than Tramadol which gives me a headache. So I texted my mum to bring me some. The shop is literally a two minute walk from my house, but I was too scared to leave the house in case I was sick. Horrible horrible day. Dad came round with some migraine tablets and bottles of water.

After I took the painkillers I fell asleep again, on the sofa this time and didn't wake up until the X-Factor came on. And I only just managed to stay awake to see all the acts then back to bed.

I've only just woken up at 10:30. I can't believe I've slept so much. But now I'm absolutely starving. Couldn't keep anything down yesterday so didn't bother wasting my shakes. I'm going to have 4 today despite saying I'd knock ss+ on the head.
glad you're better. migraines are a pain in the butt. i just can't see when mine comes in, everything i try to look at seems to have black smudges in front of it. yikes!
Not bad Shanny, not been up to anything, just lazing about really trying to relax after a rough old week at work!
Surfhunny said:
Hiya hun, yep I remember you:D welcome back!! Have you contacted your cdc yet? Good luck with going for it again.

Not yet!! Since I was last on CDC I've had a little boy so will probably wait another month so will probably start new year, unless I can sneek a few weeks in before Christmas. x
Hi Sal,

I hope you are feeling better now.


how are you?

another start of a week!


weigh in day

1.5lb lost. i'm grateful. it's an ok loss consdering i'm around halfway there.

i'm thinking another 7lb before xmas. then i'm moving up plans to 1200 during xmas. back down again in jan to loose the last.
I just read your plan Nikki and it sounds fab, it might just be what you need!! I'm just going to keep plugging away at it until I get there. I'm having a bit of a half ar$ed weekend this coming weekend. Going to cinema with some friends from work on Friday, they suggest tea first so I've persuaded them that Nandos is the way forward. So long as I dont gain I'll be happy.

I'm feeling much better, had a small headache this afternoon and panicked immediately that it was going to be another migraine. Dad said that I spoke gibberish to him when he came round with the painkillers on Saturday, he checked I was okay and decided the best thing was for me to sleep it off. I thought I was making perfect sense.

I'm getting weighed on Wednesday, two days early, I don't hold out much hope for a loss, especially as the scales announced a gain this morning, which I find hard to believe seeing as I had nothing at all on Saturday due to being sick.

I've just got ever so confused watching Without A Trace, it's a detective type program about missing people, and they've combined the episode with CSI and Gil Grissom has just been in it. I live how they've overlapped the two series even if it did make me wonder what the heck I was watching.

I'm feeling a bit stressed at the moment :( not work related though. My mums uncle lives in Cumbria and they've been called across by his neighbour because he's been acting really strangely. They went yesterday and they've decided he might have dementia. Long story short he's been transferring money in and out of his bank accounts, accusing the bank of stealing it, accusing various people of taking his bank cards, forgetting things like where his was going etc. they took him to the drs today who pretty much agreed he's got some form of dementia.

I'm stressed for my mum because he lives all the way in Cumbria and we're his only relatives. He's looking at coming back to Teesside but things have got complicated with this new diagnosis. Don't know how we're going to manage logistically trying to help him. So difficult to sit back and watch this happening :(
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Dr Hilary has been on Daybreak advocating VLDCs this morning!
there you go... a doc approving VLCD! :D

as for you uncle. it's hard as hubby's family are 2 hours away near the lakes. wouldn't it be better for him to come back to teesside? easier to help out etc.

i think you should loose 2lbs at least on wednesday. it could be that the gain was because of no intake on saturday and your body decided to shut down. also painkillers always make me retain water so get body brushing. get to the gym too! even if you do a few light weights and use the power plates. you need to think muscle now and up your fat burning/ cal burning qualities... it might help with your losses. i know that the muscle fat thing might out weigh each other at first and give you lower or similar losses but it could be the way forward for the new year. more muscle = more fat burning and more calorie burning could = faster weight loss and a slimmer look and smaller dress size!
Morning Sal --

Cool on Dr Hillary (I'll have to see if I can find it online).

Sorry about your uncle, your mum must be beside herself.

I think Nikki's advice is sound. You are doing well -- keep at it.

I hope you have a good day!
helloooooo sally

wednesday tomorrow! almost half the week.... gone! another step closer to xmas!
Nite, Sal!
Wow is that all? I don't know how I feel about that :eek: WI tomorrow night and I really don't hold out much hope, 2 days early too :(

I'm getting sick of feeling like I'm treading water with my weight. I'm stuck! I have no problem losing weight for the first month then I stall! Happened back in April and it's happening now.