Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

Well I'm thoroughly p!ssed off again! 1lb loss again this week. I blame the weather I must be retaining water but it's annoying!!

And to top it off Thomson have screwed us over, they've offered us a new hotel that charges s resort fee and charges for shuttles to Disney at $17 per person per round trip. So that's at least an extra $170 onto the holiday that we haven't budgeted for and Thomson will not help towards the additional cost. I'm going to be writing a strongly worded letter of complaint, I'm good with them. Harsh, stinging but never ranting or swearing!!

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
@Nikki - You're doing what you can. Hang on there.
Wtf is going on with my body??? I'm really starting to wonder what the point is!! I can lose 1st no problem then it all grinds to a halt. I've been at this point so many times over this past year I'm beyond frustrated! It's my 810 week this week (starting yesterday) and I have GAINED 2lbs. That's two weeks of hard work out the window with 1 day of 810!! I never trust the higher plans and this is why. I need help what do I do? Do I go back to SS? Or do I carry on doing 810 for the week and risk it???

To be clear that I'm not cheating, yesterday I had a choc tetra for breakie, a banana tetra for lunch and for dinner I had a toffee and walnut shake followed by sliced chicken breast which weighed 170g raw. No veg. Wtf????

I know it's hot and the heat makes people retain water but gain weight?? On a VLCD??? I know people will tell me to stop weighing every day and yes you're right but I'm only doing it while I'm on 810 this week because I don't trust it!!

I'm gutted and not going to make my target for holiday unless I can pull a few big losses out of the hat in the meantime. I feel like I have no support right now, CDC is away and everyone else will assume I'm cheating. I hate my body!!!! :cry:

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Wtf is going on with my body??? I'm really starting to wonder what the point is!! I can lose 1st no problem then it all grinds to a halt. I've been at this point so many times over this past year I'm beyond frustrated! It's my 810 week this week (starting yesterday) and I have GAINED 2lbs. That's two weeks of hard work out the window with 1 day of 810!! I never trust the higher plans and this is why. I need help what do I do? Do I go back to SS? Or do I carry on doing 810 for the week and risk it???

To be clear that I'm not cheating, yesterday I had a choc tetra for breakie, a banana tetra for lunch and for dinner I had a toffee and walnut shake followed by sliced chicken breast which weighed 170g raw. No veg. Wtf????

I know it's hot and the heat makes people retain water but gain weight?? On a VLCD??? I know people will tell me to stop weighing every day and yes you're right but I'm only doing it while I'm on 810 this week because I don't trust it!!

I'm gutted and not going to make my target for holiday unless I can pull a few big losses out of the hat in the meantime. I feel like I have no support right now, CDC is away and everyone else will assume I'm cheating. I hate my body!!!! :cry:

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
do 810 today and tomorrow and if no change go back to SS monday chick as u said you really do want to be at target for your hols..! ??
Make sure you are getting all your water in and stop weighing every day. Your body will sort itself over time. Also is it TOTM?
Yep I'm having my water and my TOTM just finished. I'm going to do what Shanny said and stick with 810 until Monday then back on with SS again. I'm a bit gutted that I'll be having no birthday treats on Thursday but it's only one birthday and I'm sure I'll cope. I need to start seeing results ASAP!!!

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Have a non-food treat. A massage and facial perhaps?
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I'm starting to lose faith fast :( I'm really beginning to think that this is Ian impossible dream!!! How a gain can totally change my feelings, I've lost my positivity and I'm so very scared I'm going to go away to Florida feeling miserable about my weight and feeling like a failure once again. :cry:

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Sal. Stick to the plan and don't weigh until weigh day. Scale hopping is just too detrimental.

You can do this. You have before.
So I've had a lovely afternoon. I met up with some old friends in Scarborough and had a good old catch up! Down side is that I kicked myself out of ketosis drinking diet coke. Why won't pubs do coke zero, or have bar staff that'll serve soda water not tonic??

I'm still stressing about my gain and really daren't go back on the scales :( I know I'm probably being irrational but I've been in this situation so many times before. This weather makes me feel huge too. I'm much more comfortable in winter, hiding under layers, there's really nowhere to hide in hot weather. I dread feeling like this in Florida!! Im really really scared that I'm failing once again. Wtf is wrong with my body? Is it gastric band time??

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
I doubt any reputable physician would give you a gastric band.

Be strict and drink your water - you'll be okay.
MinnieMel said:
I doubt any reputable physician would give you a gastric band.

Be strict and drink your water - you'll be okay.

I know I was only half serious about the gastric band. Although I'd have lots of fun getting my bmi high enough to qualify.

I hate feeling like this, I feel completely helpless. And I want to see losses or what the heck is the point?

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
*Shanny* said:
how about thinking about jumping the ship with me and Mel doing the JUDDD diet? UP AND DOWN DAY what ive read losses look as good??? xx

Shanny I just daren't!! I don't have time if it doesn't work out. I've heard good things about it but I seriously don't have time to mess up. That's why I'm freaking out about this gain. I need to ride this out because there's only so long my body can rebel against losing. In the past I've given up at this point instead of persevering so I never get beyond it!

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Lol I know. I just felt like such a big fat whale today while I was out with my friends and I really hate that feeling I dread the thought of feeling like this on holiday.

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Yeah back to SS I've done 2 days of 810 hopefully it'll give me a boost and the diet coke hasnt done too much damage. I've still got the sweet taste in my mouth that I have when I'm in ketosis so fingers crossed.

Dentist tomorrow too boo hate the dentist, 6 months flies round so fast!!

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
You CAN do this - however, Sal, I decided to do the UP/Down thing because I feel that I have been on lower calories and carbs for do long that my body had adjusted to it. I need to jump start my metabolism.
Boo look at my poor chest. I go through this at the beginning of every summer as my body gets used to the heat and sun. I need to hit the sauna really to get my body temp used to being high. If only I could take antihistamine to stop the itch :cry:


Itchy boo!!

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Well I found something that I've had saved on my phone for times exactly like this, I've read it again and it makes me feel a bit better:

Fat cells are resilient, stubborn little creatures that do not want to give up their actual cell volume. Over a period of weeks, maybe months of "proper dieting", each of your fat cells may have actually lost a good percentage of the actual fat contained in those cells. But the fat cells themselves, stubborn little guys, replace that lost fat with water to retain their size. That is, instead of shrinking to match the reduced amount of fat in the cell, they stay the same size! Result - you weigh the same, look the same, maybe even gained some scale weight, even though you have actually lost some serious fat.

The good news is that this water replacement is temporary. It's a defensive measure to keep your body from changing too rapidly. It allows the fat cell to counter the rapid change in cell composition, allowing for a slow, gradual reduction in cell size. The problem is, most people are frustrated with their apparent lack of success, assume they have lost nothing, and stop dieting.
However, if you give those fat cells some time, and ignore the scale weight fluctuations, your real weight/shape will slowly begin to show. The moral of the story - be patient! Your body is changing even if the number on the scale isn't.

A priority of the human body is survival. Anything that threatens its survival results in the cascade of events to maintain the previous status quo. Water fluctuations are one way the body does this. Brain tells body to produce and release that vasopressin antidiuretic hormone....more water is retained, and no weight loss noticed. Fat loss is still occuring, because ketosis is firmly established and appetite supression is in effect...but water retention is hiding that continuing fat loss. The body is preventing dehydration with this mechanism, and that's a *good* thing.
From the perspective of the scale, it can be discouraging. Which is why the mantra: Water retention masks fat loss (repeated frequently to oneself ) is helpful. Water retention will mask ongoing fat-loss for as long as the body retains the water. We can combat this by drinking more water.

So don't use the scale as an excuse to undermine your progress. Even when the scale is in a stall, fat loss can be occuring.

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
And so the holiday saga continues!! Thomson are still refusing to budge on our shuttles to Disney. The travel agent has priced up a different hotel and it comes out at £44 per person cheaper! BUT we'll have to cancel and rebook. The general consensus is that we do this but I'm so scared that we'll cancel then not get the new hotel and have no holiday. I was fine until I spoke to my bro about it. I'm pretty sure the travel agent wouldn't have suggested it as an option if there was any chance we'd lose out.

We're going on Wednesday to sort it out once and for all but this holiday, which was supposed to be a dream holiday is turning out to be a stressful nightmare!!! I'm glad I'm on CD because I think if I was eating I'd be the size of a house with all the stress eating I'd be doing! I don't actually care where we stay as long as I have a holiday to Florida!!

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
I'm sure it'll work out. As you said - you are fortunate that you had more warning than a lot of people.

I appreciate you sharing that water/fat bit. I have scales that show the water to fat ratios and it is true: the ratios change (more water to fat) and then you drop weight and process starts all over again. It was fun when I did Lighter Lite because you saw it almost over night.

I've not bother to use them for anything other than a weekly weigh in since I started weighing again. But I might start using that feature again - it is motivational. (But I'm still only going to weigh weekly.)

I hope your itching subsides soon. How about a bath in tepid water with baking soda added. That is a chicken pox and poison ivy treatment.