Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

I've had a total pj day today! The sun came out for a couple of hours but I decided I should probably give my skin a rest.

I've resisted going on the scales and will leave it until wi on Friday morning. I'm scared of what my CDC will say, I've been good but its not showing on the scales :cry: I know I have to be patient but how ado I explain my lack of losses to my CDC? History looks like its repeating itself :(

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
If she has been doing this awhile she'll have seen this before, and have her tape you: you may have lost inches.
Ha ha Mel, she's seen it time and time again with me!! Every time she goes on holiday I usually freak out and eat, but not this time, this time I've been determined to prove to her I can do it on my own, but yet again my body lets me down. Measuring is pointless cos I didn't get measured in the beginning. I've been going to my CDC for so long I'm pretty sure she doesn't think I can do it.

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Time to change CDCs!
I would but it's just not convenient for me to do that. Id go back to my old CDC but with my shifts I can't do the rigid times she has, it would mean going weeks without seeing her. My current CDC is really flexible and makes time for me. It's really not her fault I suck and have given her no reason to have faith in me.

I just need to man up and keep going!!

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Surfhunny said:
Well I found something that I've had saved on my phone for times exactly like this, I've read it again and it makes me feel a bit better:

Fat cells are resilient, stubborn little creatures that do not want to give up their actual cell volume. Over a period of weeks, maybe months of "proper dieting", each of your fat cells may have actually lost a good percentage of the actual fat contained in those cells. But the fat cells themselves, stubborn little guys, replace that lost fat with water to retain their size. That is, instead of shrinking to match the reduced amount of fat in the cell, they stay the same size! Result - you weigh the same, look the same, maybe even gained some scale weight, even though you have actually lost some serious fat.

The good news is that this water replacement is temporary. It's a defensive measure to keep your body from changing too rapidly. It allows the fat cell to counter the rapid change in cell composition, allowing for a slow, gradual reduction in cell size. The problem is, most people are frustrated with their apparent lack of success, assume they have lost nothing, and stop dieting.
However, if you give those fat cells some time, and ignore the scale weight fluctuations, your real weight/shape will slowly begin to show. The moral of the story - be patient! Your body is changing even if the number on the scale isn't.

A priority of the human body is survival. Anything that threatens its survival results in the cascade of events to maintain the previous status quo. Water fluctuations are one way the body does this. Brain tells body to produce and release that vasopressin antidiuretic hormone....more water is retained, and no weight loss noticed. Fat loss is still occuring, because ketosis is firmly established and appetite supression is in effect...but water retention is hiding that continuing fat loss. The body is preventing dehydration with this mechanism, and that's a *good* thing.
From the perspective of the scale, it can be discouraging. Which is why the mantra: Water retention masks fat loss (repeated frequently to oneself ) is helpful. Water retention will mask ongoing fat-loss for as long as the body retains the water. We can combat this by drinking more water.

So don't use the scale as an excuse to undermine your progress. Even when the scale is in a stall, fat loss can be occuring.

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"

Fab I likey :)
Oh my god I just fancy a Mars Bar!!! I don't even know why!! Plus I've got a stinking headache :( Still got two shakes to go.... What to have next.....

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
sally you know you can do this and if it is only 1 to 2lbs a week it is better off than on. you're health will benefit, you might find the energy and positivity to get back to exercise which could help you loose your weight, and round the circle goes. all in all it is far better off than on. i'm dragging my ass back to it this week. did ok yesterday and the scales have shown me this this morning but i did go totally bonkers in my zumba class last night. :D

as i've said i think that you would be better going back to julie but she's over near me and you're miles away. she only works monday and tuesday, i think, but does nights in hartlepool and northallerton. i loved your cdc but i didn't ever get anywhere with her, honest. i didn't even do it properly. i didn't realise i wasn't doing the right thing either.

as far as your holiday goes, thomson's suck! they should be more ameniable, as it's them that's going to loose out if you cancel.

i was looking at going away next week but it too expensive for just me and the 2 kids! £1500 expensive. that was a late deal too! i would love to go as i need to relax, but i need a kids club too so that i can relax and do my own thing!
Morning sal!

I am just catching up.

I was reading about stalls too... When you consume less than your BMRs worth of calories your body literally goes into starvation mode if you are not drinking enough water and like you said it holds on to water from any available source... If you are a camel like me, that means drinking at least 3 litres a day. Are you getting that down?

It's so disheartening and frustrating stalling or even gaining but im not weighing every day anymore, just trying to follow my plan as much as possible. 12 weeks is enough to lose 50lb. I just read someone on slim and save went from 12 10 to 9 2 in 12 weeks. It's doable!
Morning Sal!

Great post, Nikki! And Whoop to the Zumba. And I'm having trouble sorting something reasonable for 1/2 term, too.

@Nat - if you get a chance can you post a link to the SbS post? I could use the inspiration.
Relieved we've finally got our hotel sorted out!! We'll still be out of pocket if we use the hotel shuttles to Disney, but we've priced up mini vans and they're much cheaper than what the hotel offer. We're going to citizens advice to see of we can do anything about the added expense but at least we now have a decent hotel to stay in and I can actually start looking forward to it. Apart from the rather large matter of weightloss, which I'm hoping that because I'm not stressing out about the hotel might pick up again!!!

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Stress slows weight loss do fingers crossed.

Yay to sorting it out.
Thanks Mel, I can't wait for my fix of all things American!!

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Jeez it looks like the touchy patrol are out in force again. Why is it that the people who cheat and encourage others to cheat get so touchy when called upon it?? It irritates the heck out of me. No doubt I'll get shot down in flames for this post but it's my diary and they dont have to read it!!!

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Rant over total change of subject. I have a question.... I bought a skirt today, but looking closer at it I'm not sure that it isn't in fact a boob tube lol. Maybe it's both.....





"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Well I bought it as a skirt to wear to the pool, it was from the skirt section of the shop, with other skirts, but it kind of looks like a boob tube top that I have. I didn't want to look a t!t wearing it wrong lol.

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
It looks like it is a Roxy skirt: used to be an Australian brand and is now a US one. It is very popular with teens. You wear those skirts with leggings.
It is Roxy Mel, I would never dream of wearing it in the UK it is really for going from the hotel room to the pool! Im into surf clothes but until o get to target again im also too big for surf clothes lol. Ive got loads of billabong, quiksilver etc just dont fit yet :( It's not as short on me as it looks, but at £5 I'm not complaining.

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Today I will mostly be wallowing in self pity! Due to my messing about I will not be able to celebrate my birthday properly. No birthday cake, no nice family meal, no drinks with my friends :cry: I'd treat myself to a go on the scales but it'll probably just make me more miserable :(

Ah well it's only a birthday, same as any other day really. On the plus side I'm comfortably back into my US 12 jeans.

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
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Surfhunny said:
Today I will mostly be wallowing in self pity! Due to my messing about I will not be able to celebrate my birthday properly. No birthday cake, no nice family meal, no drinks with my friends :cry: I'd treat myself to a go on the scales but it'll probably just make me more miserable :(

Ah well it's only a birthday, same as any other day really.

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"

Happy birthday to you!

Don't worry you have at least 65 more birthdays left I'm sure, so there is plenty of food to cone for those if you get it right this time