Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

you'd have loved the last body combat where you did balance on your leg for ages. it was brill.

when i did ss for the first time i was on the 810 cals and running and i lost nothing for 2 weeks. i sts, no loss. i can feel your pain. i was gutted. the 3rd week i lost 8lbs. it will come off. don't stress.
Well it's WI today, I wasn't going to but I've had a sneaky preWI WI lol and on my scales I'm 13st 4lbs which means I've lost 8lbs since last Thursday morning. BUT I'm not getting my hopes up because last week I managed to gain 4lbs in 24 hours so we'll see. I'm really hoping for 6lbs at least because that keeps me on track anything more will be an absolute bonus. Keep everything crossed for me girls I need this loss more than anything!
I'll be thinking of you Surfhunny! The preWI looks very pormising indeed!
how did it go???? off to pump soon even though i feel so tired i really do not want to go.
Weeeeeeeell the results ate in and I'm 13st 5lbs on CDCs scales which are normally 1lb heavier than mine anyway. So yay at last 7lbs off I'm back on track. I guess it just goes to show that SS is the only thong that works for me! SS all the way from now on!!! I'm so so so pleased with that!! Keep it coming!
:0clapper:Yay! Well done, Surfhunny! I'm so pleased for you. Hope you have a great evening. :D
Yeah! Well done. Went to pump. It's a hard class :)
Hmmmm I got a sad face on my calendar yesterday, I was at work, it was horrible and I just gave up.... I feel gutted that I ate as much as I did but it was yesterday, today is today, new day and smiley face. 1 sad face out of 25 so far is good in my book, one slip up that's all hope it doesn't set me back too much!
1 in 25 is not perfect, but is pretty damn amazing hun! Draw a line and start afresh, you can't change it now, so no point in dwelling on it either. x
That's exactly what I thought Kez!!! How're you doing hun, I've missed you!!! Xx
Heehee! I'm trying to swot up on my options. Day 1 of CD over and done with, but not got as much stuff left over as I thought. Only another 2 days worth....Need something that I can buy from the supermarket.

I've been looking at the atkins stuff, wondering if I could do 3 ready made drinks a day. That'd be between 8-12grams of carbs a day? If I need something more I can have one of their bars or a CD style meal. At least it's similar to CD? And hopefully similar results?

How have you been going since your restart? How many weeks till Vegas now? Only 36 weeks till my wedding! Hence my ass kicking!
i agree with kez. mind you need to find another outlet. something to plumel your agression and/or sadness into.
I know I do, I think part of the problem on Sunday was the people I was working with, encouraging me to eat, I know I should've had more willpower than that but work was horrible, some of my colleagues were lazy and I felt like I could justify it all. It's behind me now. More smileys on the calendar.

Kez I noticed in our Asda that they're selling Biggest Loser shakes and soup, I didn't have a good look at the carb contents but I imagine it's much the same as all the other Celeb Slim, Tony Ferguson etc meal replacements.
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Yeah, I only pass a morrissons on the way to work, so going to see what they've got. Enjoy your afternoon ! X
celebrity slim's ok but it's more expensive than CD. it's £2.30 a bar and £2 a shake. the cals are more too. then there's the snack bars £1 each etc etc