Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

I've done a lot of soul searching this weekend and had a massive chat with my mum. I've come to the end of the road with CD now. I've always said that if it ever gets to the point where I'm scared to eat normal healthy food I need to stop CD and do something else. I'm scared that any food will make me put on weight, that's not normal and I need to get a grip of this before it turns into something serious.

Apart from that I'm not seeing the results I want from CD anymore and I'm really disheartened by that. It's making me feel miserable and the thought of putting on weight terrifies me. If I keep going with CD I will get to the point where I crack and go the other way and eat everything in sight. I can't let that happen, I need some kind of control.

This has been a really difficult decision to make but I'm going to go back to SW. I've been messing about on CD for a year now and I'm exactly the same weight today as I was last year!! I think my metabolism is so sluggish now it needs a boost. I'm giving myself 6 months on SW, to just restart my body but retain some control over my diet so that I don't balloon.

CD was never meant to be forever so why do I feel like I'm a failure for quitting?
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Sal you know best and so does your mum.
Are you gonna do SW.?? Or your own healthy eating with regular exercise??

Big hugs to you x
Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

*Shanny* said:
Sal you know best and so does your mum.
Are you gonna do SW.?? Or your own healthy eating with regular exercise??

Big hugs to you x

Shanny my phone jammed halfway through typing that out so had to go on laptop i edited it in my last post so answered your question in the post lol. SW and exercise are the way forward at least for now. then in 6 months time I'll see how I feel and how much I weigh and maybe I'll go back to CD, hopefully I won't need too though. Xxx
What do you mean a failure I personal think you are making a wise choice. It's a trial and u always said u would move back to sw it's a diet that works great give it your 100% and enjoy sal.

Your body may need the change now, please be positive and look forward in seeing further weightloss.

Good luck sal xx
Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

*Shanny* said:
What do you mean a failure I personal think you are making a wise choice. It's a trial and u always said u would move back to sw it's a diet that works great give it your 100% and enjoy sal.

Your body may need the change now, please be positive and look forward in seeing further weightloss.

Good luck sal xx

Thanks hun, I think it's because I feel like I'm quitting....I guess I'm not really though am I? Just switching tactics lol. My mum said I'm too hard on myself and this is my big downfall right now, so I'm going to be positive, SW shopping list all written out for tomorrow!!
You're not a failure in the slightest! But you need to be realistic that initially there probably will be a weight gain, but it will just be down to you restocking your glycogen stores etc. But it will be scary to begin with.

I think you are making completely the right choice as well, SW is a great 'forever' plan. Besides you need to start prepping up for Las Vegas.

Don't feel down about it, feel positive about your future! You're returning to the normal world hun! x
Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

Thanks girls, I've already accounted for the glycogen gain lol, I usually gain 4lbs so I'm expecting it. Also I'm not going anywhere, I'll still be hanging around on minis I need you guys too much lol!! Xxx
dont be a stranger!!! ive had a good few months off and i havent gained anything other than a few pounds, so dont be scared and dont worry!
Well day one on combination of cal counting and SW. I had to restock the whole kitchen it cost me an absolute fortune but I'm organized! I've got a load of veggies to make soup, and I've tried to stick to things that are low cal so while I'm getting used to red and green days again the low cal stuff seems less scarey than the eat all you like of green or red day food.

I actually feel happy today for the first time in a long time. I'm going to try and keep a bit of a food diary on here just to keep me aware of what I'm eating.

And tomorrow I'm going to the gym, I'll be so glad to finally be able to get exercising again properly.

Food today:
CD shake (using up the short use by date ones)
Butternut squash soup & mullerlight
Batchelors pasta & sauce & mullerlight.

Not very organized today be better main meal tomorrow.

It's been over two years since I've eaten properly... Not just the odd week here and there but actually eating proper healthy food.
Do you feel good for it? SW promotes Orange days over green and red now. Might be worth looking into, gives you more flexibility and they reckon it gives better loses than red or green. I struggled with it, cause I am so ingrained with red and green.


Every meal you have to have 2/3rds of your plate as super free food (food that is free on both red or green). Then the other 3rd of the plate can be anything that would be free on either a red or green day, or a mixture of both. could have a chicken breast (free on red) and salad (free on both days). Or...bacon (free on red), baked beans (free on green) and mushrooms, tomatoes, eggs (all free on both red and green).

Then you also get 1 healthy B (from either red or green list) and 1 healthy A. Plus your 15 syns.

It's a step on from the mix and match if you ever did that?
Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

cornishkez said:
Do you feel good for it? SW promotes Orange days over green and red now. Might be worth looking into, gives you more flexibility and they reckon it gives better loses than red or green. I struggled with it, cause I am so ingrained with red and green.


Every meal you have to have 2/3rds of your plate as super free food (food that is free on both red or green). Then the other 3rd of the plate can be anything that would be free on either a red or green day, or a mixture of both. could have a chicken breast (free on red) and salad (free on both days). Or...bacon (free on red), baked beans (free on green) and mushrooms, tomatoes, eggs (all free on both red and green).

Then you also get 1 healthy B (from either red or green list) and 1 healthy A. Plus your 15 syns.

It's a step on from the mix and match if you ever did that?

Eeeek I struggled to follow tge mix and match ended up gaining when I tried it lol I'm stuck with red and green too!! I'm going to have a week of calorie counting trying to stick to 1200 cals including some exercise and see how I get on... If that proves too tricky to follow or I don't see results then I'll do SW again.

Trouble is I already feel fatter, my face is filling out again and I'm not happy about that... I know I'm going to gain a little bit cos of carbs but don't want to creep back into the 14's again. Scared!!!!!!!!!!
Well today has been good I'm slowly getting used to eating... It's a really funny feeling, I completely understand how anorexics feel when they're made to eat. But panic not I'm enjoying what I'm having.

Food diary

Breakfast - 221 cals 8.1g fat
Shape yog - 90 cals
Nom yog - 131 cals

Lunch - 320 cals 7.2g fat
Heinz steak & guinness soup - 260 cals
Mullerlight - 60 cals

Tea - 513 cals 11.1g fat
Asda Good For You chicken Tikka & pilau rice - 459 cals
Mullerlight - 54 cals

Snacks - 57 cals 0.1g fat
Asda chopped Apples and grapes - 57 cals

Total - 1,054 cals 26.5g fat
Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

I've just made enough veggie soup to feed me for the next 10 years lol. Good job I like soup. Wish I could work out how many cals are in it though. All that's in it are: leeks, potatoes, carrots, and butternut squash, a bit of chilli powder & a splash of Worcester sauce, no salt, no cream. It should be okay calorie wise I hope.
posted something in my diary for you.

don't feel like a failure. you are anything but a failure. yes, you're not at goal, then i didn't get there either. i need to focus back on the diet but i feel so tired all the time again. having iron checked tomorrow - again! want to go back on Cd for xmas and get a stone off. i can feel it when i run that i'm heavier than i should be. collar bones are disappearing into my body again. just a stone.

i'm glad that you've made a decision. i'm so indecisive.
Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

great things said:
posted something in my diary for you.

don't feel like a failure. you are anything but a failure. yes, you're not at goal, then i didn't get there either. i need to focus back on the diet but i feel so tired all the time again. having iron checked tomorrow - again! want to go back on Cd for xmas and get a stone off. i can feel it when i run that i'm heavier than i should be. collar bones are disappearing into my body again. just a stone.

i'm glad that you've made a decision. i'm so indecisive.

Answered in your diary :)
Well tonight has been hard, I went to see my CDC for the last time, felt like I should explain in person why I was stopping CD. I almost said I'd give it another week, but I can't and this is for the best!! I had to get reassurance from my mum that I'm doing the right thing! I'm still not sure I am...

Food diary

Breakfast - 156 cals 1.8g fat
Weetabix chocolate (2) - 156 cals

Lunch - 133 cals 1.1g fat
Homemade veggie soup - 133 cals
Mullerlight- 99 cals

Tea - 410cals 10g fat
Rice- 215 cals
Bake In the bag chicken 195 cals

Snacks - 302 cals 3.2g fat
Shape yog - 99 cals
Mini Crunchie (2) - 160 cals
Bag of apple - 43 cals

Total - 1001 cals 16.1g fat
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Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

I feel fat :( not a good feeling! I hate it but I need to persevere with cal counting though!