Sorry this is probably going to come out in a huge old jumble, but I'm typing as I think. I need to get it out of my head to try and clear my mind a bit.
I really should find something to keep me occupied on a Friday night, because Friday nights for me are the most depressing.

Everyone I know is up to something with their other halves on Friday nights, and I don't have an OH so I get to stay in and watch crappy television.
Lately I've really started to wonder if I'll ever find a new man. I know in the scheme of things it has only been a few months since me and AP broke up, but we weren't really together that long, and I've spent most of my adult life on my own.:sad0071:
All my friends are either married, or living with their OH's. They all do coupley things as a group and I know they don't leave me out on purpose but it makes them feel uncomfortable to have me there on my own.
Everyone says (quite rightly) that I need to get out more, but it's easier said than done when I have no-one to go out with. All of my closest friends have very young children so they don't get out often, and when they do it's usually the coupley group thing.
Now in amongst all this self pity, it might seem like I'm lonely and for the most part I'm not, I'm fine, I'm independent and do my own thing, but I every now and then (like right now) it hits me that I have no-one, there's only so much time I can spend at my parents house.
To make matters worse my body clock is ticking louder than Big Ben. When I was with AP I didn't really give kids much thought, because I just figured we'd have them at some point in the future, but now I'm on my own I'm scared that I'm going to be on my own forever. Even as I can hear my friends saying 'No you won't!' But they quickly forget that before I met AP I'd been on my own pretty much since I was 21 - thats 9 years of being alone. Nothing that ever lasted. Granted a lot of that time was because I felt like I was too big for anyone to possibly be attracted to me and I put up huge barriers.
Aaargh, I know being in a relationship isn't always great and relationships have their crap moments too, but I want to be someones OH, I want to share my life with someone, I want to be wanted. :serenade:
I'm starting to think that I must've done something bad in a past life, or that I'm being punished for something, because this is the one thing I want more than anything in the world and for some reason life is not letting me have it.:cry:
Most of the time I'm positive and think that everything happens for a reason, AP came along for a reason, to get me over my body and intimacy issues etc, and one day I'll meet the guy I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. But every so often I have days like this where I feel like its completely hopeless and I'm never going to meet anyone.
Oh god I sound really pathetic!!:sigh: I'm probably just being neurotic, and it makes a change from being upset about my weight and dieting I guess. I feel a bit lost :lost: and alone. I'm just feeling sorry for myself and it's TOTM which really isn't helping much. Sorry I think I'll go and WISP on my own.:raincloud: