Ah hun, big hugs coming your way!
I know it's easy for us people coupled up to say 'It's ok, there is someone out there for you'. But it's true!
How did you meet AP? Do you have any single friends at all? Do you ever meet people through work? Could you create a new circle of friends? I'm not saying ditch the ones you've got.
Do you go to any classes? Dancing, aerobics etc? I know it's all cliche's but I'm just trying to think of useful ideas? lol
Thanks hun. Yep every one of my friends is in a relationship, I'm the only single one

. I met AP on match.com I'm tempted to go back on there but I'm not really convinced it'll work again, AP was pure luck. I'd been on there for 4 years and was just about to cancel my membership when I got AP's email. When I think about the amount of money I spent on that site over the years...
I really don't know what to do. The reason I don't think match will work again for me is because I'm pretty superficial when it comes to men - I need to feel a connection and I'm sure I pass on some perfectly nice guys because their photo's aren't that great. Plus I've been on that manyu bad dates I don't know if I'm ready to start going through all the really bad dates to try and find a good one. It's catch 22 isn't it? There has got to be an easier way:sigh:.
Everyone I know who's met their OH on line, it's been the first date they've been on. I've been on that many they all blend into one. Am I just too fussy? A friend said I should just settle for being with someone who isn't quite right. I don't want to just 'settle' for someone just so I can be with someone.
God I'm a walking contradiction!! I want my 'one' I'm sick of waiting, no-one I know has 'settled' for someone so why should I?
hope your feeling a little more lifted today x
I saw a while ago you made some crisps?? Do you remember how you did it?
I'm still feeling pretty down:cry:, I've tried to keep busy today to keep my mind off my lack of OH, but everywhere I've been today there's been tons of couples and pregnant women. I know there's probably no more than normal, it's just that I'm noticing them more.
Crisps - from what I can remember....
Mix one packet of soup to a runny paste,
Pour paste out onto microwavable plate.
Put in microwave for 30s (this bit is trial and error a bit).
As soon as cooked scrape off the plate or it will get stuck.
The way I do it with the scraping gives you flakes as apposed to crisps. You can do it on baking paper or grease proof (can't remember which sorry). I haven't done it for ages cos I've gone off soups.
Try this thread for other ideas.