Kez don't worry about moaning, it's fine I always feel better after a good moan

, I think everyone can justify moaning, everyone on a diet that is. It's damn hard and it doesn't matter whether you've been saintly and had a pants loss or being bad and had a bit of a gain, the fact is we're dieting and that in itself deserves a great big MOAN!! Lol

Despite the scales misbehaving, I'm in a surprisingly good mood. I don't know why, it could be the change in the weather - the sun has been out most of the day. I don't know, especially because....
Work is stressing me out at the moment, it seems like no-one is prepared to take responsibility for the patients, they only come to us for a short time, but theres so much paperwork and so many targets to be met that it seems to me that the patients get forgotten about. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who cares, and a lone voice standing out against the establishment only gets ignored - it's frustrating!!
Anyway back onto diet matters. If I can manage to lose 2lbs on Wed then I'll have less than 1 and a half stones to lose, my target is within sight but it still seems such a long way away, at the rate I'm losing. On the plus side someone actually noticed and commented on my weight loss today. That spurred me on a bit. That and the comments that Tactless Tessie keeps making at lunch times.
I can't believe this just happened… I'm sitting here in the staffroom like I do every lunch time with my tetra, and a colleague has just said this: "That diet really doesn't work does it? I've never seen you eat and you don't look like you've lost weight!"
Tactless Tessie (not her real name - although it should be!!!) is a colleague of mine who has previously made a comment ^^^ about CD not working. On Friday she said to me
"You must eat a lot when you get home." Cheeky b*tch!! I decided not to go into the diet and SS+ etc so I just said
'What makes you say that?' and get this.... She replied ....
"Well I've never seen you eat in the whole time I've worked here, you should be a twig!" Oh my god I saw red!!!!! I can't believe this cheeky cow. I said
'Actually, compaired to how I used to look I AM a twig, I've lost 60lbs and I'm not prepared to discuss it further.' At this point she started to back track, saying things like "I'm not saying you're fat or anything, I was just wondering why you weren't super skinny when you don't eat anything" My friend, god love her was more livid than I was... She told the TT to keep her comments to herself!! this could be war. I wouldn't care but she's only been her for a couple of months, and she's making only enemies, by the sounds of it I'm not the only one she's been horrible to. Luckily I'm a lot more secure and confident that I used to be - there was a time when that kind of comment would have really upset me and sent me reaching for the nearest chocolate bar. Now it's just made me more deteremined to succeed at this.