Silver Member
Hehee, i think every bloody single food is my trigger food .... i ate about 100g of cooked pasta for my dinner one day .... bam ..... 8months pregnant and pain you would wanna punch your stomach for .... i think mine is greatly induced by stress tbh .... and dont worry, 10 times out of 10 - im ALWAYS blocked up .... unless i take a laxative .. which is rubbish compared to some ppl, who can go twice a day ... gets me down.....are u on medication ? i occasionally take mebeverine but it dont work .. and buscopan does nowt for me either ...
hi clare im jessie and im just looking through the weight watcher plan on mini mins and i have come accross this post omg i have to take lax every day sometimes 3 senna i brought this col clear off the website specialist supplements its really really good i take 6 tabs a day with food
you sound exactly like me with what u have do u think it effects ur weight the ibs i get the worse pain bloating never ever ever go i feel sick no energy tired etc so depressed with it
i find i need to stear clear of pasta bread carby things oh my god the pain !!!!!
im thinking of going back to weight watchers i lost 5 stone on the old plan and the new one i didnt really understand so gave up im thinking of rejoining tonight i been doing the atkins diet but its soooooo not working althou its not given me no pain with foods but im not loosing and im soooo bored
hope ya dont mind me posting on x