It really would be fantastic to meet up... Mum has found out today that her operation is booked (provisionally) for 24 Feb (Thursday) so depending on how she is i will certainly try... It has been literally years since i have been on a tube or a train (how sad is that?)
Will you fly over or get a boat? How sad am i? -- i never knew where Jersey was, and i have just looked it up - you are closer to France than you are to England.. I genuinely never knew.. You see, it's my sheltered Catholic upbringing that prevented me from envisaging a life outside South London!!! pmsl x x[/QUOTE
Ok, were all on one page now!
Are you serious, you didn't know where Jersey was! I will be flying to Gatwick, out on the red eye back on the last flight at about 8. If we could meet up it would be amazing, I could come closer to you if that would make things easier.......
Yup, I'm pissed off with ww, the theory is great but not so sure about the practise! I think cos I was only eating about 1300 calories a day anyway before I started it that I'm maybe at my right weight cos I can maintain ok?? My sister, however, has lost nearly a stone in 5 weeks but she reckons that she was scoffing about 4000 calories a day! I lost a grand total of albs last month, big deal
This forum just isn't a laugh any more, not on this side anyway. We have a good laugh on the maintenance forum though so I stay over there! Perhaps it's me

I'm not exactly a bundle of laughs at the moment....
My bowels are fine too btw